October 22

147 5 1

I groan. "Is she kidding me?"

Collin's got his arm around my waist as we walk down the hallway by the gym. His voice is loud in my ear as he says, "So it seems."

I groan again for emphasis. "This is so stupid."

"You can bail," Collin suggests.

"No, not really," I answer back, burrowing my head into his soft t-shirt. "It's something girls do. We don't want the other girl to think they've won. So we fight back, with a heavy thirst for blood."

He snorts. "Girls are weird."

"Tell me about it." We reach the door that opens to the storage room behind the gym. It's empty, besides Thom, who's sitting in a chair in the corner, looking blankly at the ceiling. I walk over and lie down, not caring about the possible germs from other high schoolers... oh, gross. I quickly sit up again.

There are certain rules for a sing-off at Westlake. They aren't official, unspoken, but real. One: only one verse. Two: three to six songs is acceptable - anything less or more is frowned upon. Three: do not wimp out before you have gotten to three songs.

Thom's looking more dejected than I've ever seen him. Since it may be partially my fault that he is like this, I feel as guilty as he feels sad. Thom and Aria were a great couple. I've never seen them be truly romantic, but I know that they were always in love.

I bite my lip and lean on the wall, under a poster advertising the upcoming Halloween dance. Oh, it's almost Halloween. I've been so caught up in my own drama that I haven't really thought about it. But Halloween was my favorite holiday ever. Where you could eat and receive a ton of candy. I miss those day, because last year, Mom told me that I was too old for trick or treating and that ninth grade was my last trick-or-treat year. That completely crushed my soul.

Collin joins me, and wraps his arm around me. Our relationship is so awkward nowadays. I can't tell if we're dating or just friends or what. I have to wait for something to confirm it. Maybe he'll ask me to the dance. But then I have to think of a costume. A thought pops into my head. A banana. No. What is wrong with you? I fight with my mind.

The door opens, and it's Medusa herself, Miss Lauren. I stand up and straighten my adorable emerald green button-up.

Lauren walks across the room confidently. "Ready to get crushed?" Behind her, a flood of people walk in, all from the freshman class. Sweat begins to form on my upper lip, and my face gets hot. An audience. Relax, Nichole. You can do this.

I say, "I was about to ask you the same thing." Everyone in the audience seats themselves on chairs or stand. I see Aria in the crowd, hidden behind a bulky dude with an scene band hoodie.

Lauren smiles confidently. Aria emerges from the crowd and steps behind Lauren, then sings "Boom, boom-boom, bah" repeatedly. Settle Down, by Kimbra. Interesting song choice. Lauren opens her mouth.

"I wanna settle down,

I wanna settle down,

won't you settle down with me,

settle down."

She finishes the first verse, then stops and looks at me with a snarky look on her face. I clap along with the rest of the people. She has a nice voice.

I wait for the applause to die down, then rack through my brain hastily to find a worthy song. Then, a song that I would have never chosen comes out of my mouth. I pull out my iPod and start the song, turning it as loud as I can. Thom emerges from his depression and pulls my iPod away from me, plugs it into a speaker, and soon, music is playing.

In A Songजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें