October 22

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The weekend had been fairly eventful.

First, I had my sweet sixteen. Second, Collin kissed me and I kissed him back. Third, I had basically lost my friendship with Artie, and whatever I had with Aria.

I spent the Sunday after in my sweats, my hair up all messy, eating ice cream and watching the Harry Potter weekend and Friends. And also trying to text Artie. I must have blown up his inbox with all the messages I was sending him.

Nichole: Artie? You there? I really need to talk to you.

Nichole: Artie. Seriously.



That was only a fraction of what I sent him. Like, a 1/20th. No matter how urgent I sounded, I couldn't get him to talk to me.

And of course, talking with Collin. I guess we're now officially going out.

Thom's been oblivious to Artie and I's sudden friendship-break-up. He ignores it and life goes on normally with him.

Aria, well, with her it's hard to see where she stands. She was completely supporting my relationship with Collin, but now she's consoling Artie and being a major bitch to me.

My parents? They know nothing about pretty much everything that happened at the party. Except for that I had a semi-good time. But of course, I said I had a fabulous time.

Now, I have to go back to school, and face them.

While getting dressed, I make absolutely sure to wear Artie's birthday present, a silver charm bracelet with a music note charm. Engraved on the charm, Forever. It's a little cheesy, but it's just what Artie would give me. I love it.

Collin got me, ironically, a thin silver necklace with an array star and heart charms. It's actually very pretty, and I spot a tiny emerald on a small silver star. I wear that, too.

I smell like cupcakes, thanks to some fancy shmancy glittery body spray Aria got me. The only gift from my friends that I'm not wearing is from Thom, which is a Green Day poster signed by Billie Joe Armstrong, and that would look a little weird on me. Secretly, it's one of my favorite gifts.

The three other gifts are from kids I don't know, who are courteous and thoughtful enough to bring them. They're CDs. A We The Kings, and two The Smiths. I must remember to thank them if I see them in the hallways.

The car ride back to school is very quiet. I twirl the music note on my bracelet, and glance out the window a lot.

"Is something bothering you, sweetie?" my mom asks finally. She can detect my emotions easily. She knows I'm lying when I reply with, "No." But she isn't pushy. She just sighs and continues driving.

We reach the school. Ah, how it looked so promising when I first came here. Nostalgia.

I hop out slowly, to the point my mother has to rush me. "Honey, get out, you're going to be late for class."

"As if. I still have fifteen minutes." I breezily walk away.

Mom, clearly taken aback, says faintly, "Bye honey."

She's definitely concerned now. I've always been the sweet, loving daughter. Even when I was going through middle school, I would never be disrespectful. Not even when I was suffering from PMS.

Over by the courtyard, I see my group talking in a circle. I walk over and attempt to join them. Thank God Artie's back is turned to me. I sneak up on him and hug him from behind. He stiffens.

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