November 3rd

137 6 1

"Where are you taking me?" I scream.

"Somewhere," Thom replies.

I smack him on the arm. "That's not a good answer!"

Artie remains in the corner of Zayn's car, with a sullen expression. I look him over, then whip my head back and continue protesting.

Around us, trees begin to line the road, and I groan. "Thom, why are you taking us out here?" Then I blanch. "Sweet baby breakdancing Jesus, I'm not getting raped in the forest, right?"

He looks back at me, shocked and disgusted. "No! What the hell goes on in your mind?!" Then he looks out the window, and taps Zayn on the shoulder. "Here."

Zayn pulls over and parks the car. Thom looks back at Artie and I, and says, "Out, children."

I jump out, enthusiastically really. The boys follow, and Zayn stays and begins to text.

Thom pulls on our arms and leads us through the forest. I barely have time to admire the beautiful Washingtonian wilderness because Thom is so fast. He leads us to a little creek.

Taking a map out of his pocket, he says, "You guys need to talk. It's bumming everyone in our group and we can't be a band if you won't talk to each other. And also when you guys are talking, there's a big waterfall where it's really pretty-" he thrusts the map at me -"and it would be great to talk there and it's circled in red on the map. OhandifyouguyscouldthinkofadifferentbandnameforourgroupbecauseIdon'tliketheonewechoseitwouldbegreatthanks. Have fun." And with that, he runs back to the car, yelling, "Artie has to call me from Nichole's phone if you want a ride home!"

I finger my phone in my jean pocket, biting my lip. It's already super uncomfortable and awkward.

"Well, should we get started, then?" Artie says dryly, beginning to walk up to the waterfall on the path.

I pull him back. "No, we probably can't hear each other at a waterfall." I pull him to a rock near the creek that can seat both of us. "Let's talk here."

He sits down reluctantly.

I sigh. "What's up?"

He groans. "We're not starting there. What happened at that party?"

"Well, I kissed my now boyfriend and you ran away like a little kid," I say.

"Yeah," he says, chuckling. "I'm an idiot. But didn't Thom or Aria tell you?"


He rolls his eyes. "Knowing them, they probably did."

"Tell me what?" I ask, impatiently.

"And I'm surprised that you didn't already guess."

"Cut the mysteriousness and tell me!" I say loudly.

"I really liked you!" he spits. "There, I said it." He looks away.

I fluster. "Well, yeah, I knew!"

"So why did you do it?" he asks quietly.

"Because I love him, Artie," I say just as softly.

He visibly bites his lip. "You have no idea how much that hurts. I mean, you've been going out for what, a week? And you already love him. Love. It's a word that promises too much, and it can hurt others when used carelessly. Nichole, I really like you, and you know that already. And then you go face-hugging other guys."

My emotions begin to flare up. "Artie, you have no right to say that and make me sound like a slut, because I'm not! I haven't kissed any other guys besides Collin and he's my boyfriend, so I have a right to!"

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