September 2nd

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Aria shakes me. "Dude, you have to get up."

"Ohuh?" I ask groggily. I look at the built in clock on the wall. 7:25. I have thirty-five minutes until school starts. A mere half hour to shower, get dressed, and get down to the cafeteria to eat breakfast before class starts.

I look at Aria, who's already dressed and ready to get down to the cafeteria. Blond curls dried already. "What time did you get up?"

"Seven. Get up, I'll wait to go down to the cafeteria with you."

I stumble out of bed and get ready for school. Aria already opened the window, and it looks like a pretty dismal day outside. I get dressed in a mint green v-neck sweater with horizontal stripes, dark blue jeans and my suede grey boots. I find in the pocket of my jeans that Mom left a pretty silver necklace, with an opal pendant. My birthstone. I put it on and smile when I see myself in the mirror. My hair is drier and looks more shiny. I don't mean to sound conceited, but damn I look good.

"Come on, let's go," I say to Aria as I pick up my book bag and guitar.

We bound out of the room and out into the cold. I hug myself. It's unusually cold for a September morning, but this is Washington State. It rains. It makes it cold.

I pull out my phone and decide to text... Collin. He gave me his number yesterday at the end of the day, when I stopped to shove everything back in my locker.

Nichole: When are you getting here?

Collin: About ten minutes. meet you at your locker?

Nichole: How bout the cafeteria?

Collin: k

I shove my phone back into my pocket and continue making my way across the old, cracked sidewalk. A drop hits my nose, and I groan. Why didn't I wear a hoodie? I think of my soft dark purple hoodie back in my suit. Ugh.

We get to the cafeteria doors, and I try to open the doors, when Aria smacks my hand away. I yelp and bring my hand back to my side.

Aria steps closer to me. "No. One. Knows. We. Are. Roommates."

"Well, obviously they don't, it's only our second day," I say, rubbing my stinging hand.

"Well, let's keep it that way," Aria hisses, before throwing open the doors and sauntering inside.

I decide to wait for Collin. It shouldn't take that long, since he just texted and said he was on Spruce Road, the way we take to get here. The smell of waffles and maple syrup wafts out, and I resist the urge to run in and eat all the waffles.

I hear the door open, and I stand up excitedly. But only two seniors holding hands are coming through, and I slide back down the wall in defeat.

Nichole: Where are you? I'm waiting for you to get here and I'm hungry! :P

Collin: LOL Just go eat I'll be here in like twenty minutes. Dad got a flat tire.

Nichole: Kbye!

I run inside the cafeteria and load a tray with waffles and strawberries. I begin to walk towards where Aria is sitting, with some other girls. But the look Aria shoots me is enough to know I'm not wanted. Why does she hate me so much?

I decide to sit by the wall. I shovel some strawberries into my mouth, not achieving my goal to be more ladylike, and pull out my phone.

Nichole: ARTIE!

Artie: What 5 cent

Nichole: :P When are you gonna get here?

Artie: At my locker

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