Cover it

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-"But, there was nothing that mention about this," another masked person said.

-"Don't worry if you play by our rules you will live,"

-"Now follow me,"

It was all just a lie to get someone to work for them.

Mavisa's freedom has been taken away as well as others.

And yet still everyone decided to follow him and accept their faith.

While walking to somewhere they were led, Mavisa noticed how childish this place is, with so many colors and objects like a circle, triangle, and square.

-"This is gonna be your first training, listen to those who already have some experience" Men all in black stopped at some door and then opened them.

Others masked people were already training.

There were such things as multiple guns, that got the new people's attention.

After explaining how this training works, it began.

Those who came with Mavisa warmed up while others already began the real training, such a distance running, shooting at a target, and others.

When Mavisa's group finished warming up.

They now could run distance, and after that practicing shooting at target...

After the distance Mavisas group moved to the last training.

The group grabbed the guns and Mavisa was the last one.

She slowly took the gun and examined it, while others already tried them out.

Mavisa finally got over it and walked to the closest target, when she was about to shoot in the target, someone moved her hand.

It was one of the masked persons as well.

Was this person trying to help?
Mavisa stared strangely at a masked person when it pointed her to the target, it waned to her to shoot at the target.

Mavisa turned back and focused on the target, she didn't move her hands a bit, since the person probably know what it was doing and it looked right.

Mavisa pulled the trigger and shot, it got almost in the middle.

She saw it wasn't perfect so Mavisa shoot again this time it was a bit closer.

When the timer was off and training ended.

Masked peoples slowly start to walk away when Mavisa turned around to thanks for the help and then walked away.

Everyone was heading back to their cabins.

After finding the room Mavisa looked at the door and saw a number "88"

She took out her keys and opened the cabin.

There were these 3 rules that Mavisa read and memorized, the men dressed in black asked to follow them.

Since there wasn't mentioned anything about masks in your cabin, Mavisa took it off, she set on the chair and noticed the letter.

It was probably meant for her so she took it and opened it.

"You are the first girl who is under the red costume, I found potential in you.
Whatever you do cover the fact who you are, don't tell anyone your gender its for your safety"

-The creator of this all.

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