Strange affect

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-"The creator wants to talk with you all, come as soon as possible"

It has been two days and today players will arrive.

But players will start to play the game tomorrow, luckily no dead body for today.

Mavisa locked at the door while being in full uniform and mask, others already have come out of their cabins and were going to the meeting room, none really know what this was about, probably about the game.

Mavisa has been improved her shooting skills in the past few days.

And none have noticed or thought Mavisa was hiding something.

Mavisa made it to the meeting room, some of the workers were already there while more than half was just coming.

On the couch sitted the same man who has had come into Mavisas cabin two days ago, looked like everyone know who he was.

He patiently waited for all workers to come. This time he wasn't smiling.

He waited till the last worker and tapped on all black-masked men who was standing beside him.

Instead of him, the all-black-masked men started to talk.

-"The creator of this game has decided to join his game as well, his number will be 001," he pointed at the uniform old men wore.

-"Your task is to fake his death if he loses in one of those games, he wants to turn back alive," men covered in black clothing plus with black mask finished.

The old men tapped on his shoulder again.

Looks like he reminded him of something.
-"Players can't know that he is more than a player, "now he finished everything.

The room went silent. Moments later old men stood up and walked away.

Everyone that was in the meeting room slowly started to walk to the room where players will arrive.

The room was huge full of tables that were usually used at the surgerys.

Workers started to choose or just walked to one of the tables.

Mavisa randomly chose one of the many tables and before every player arrived, she counted how many tables are there.

There were 456 tables.

Mavisa started to count again when on her table was put one of the players.

It was, female, the first thing you could notice was her short hair and how young she looked.

Mavisa started to search if she carries any dangerous objects that weren't allowed at this game.

Mavisa started with pants as an instinct and it was the only where she found a pocket knife.

She checked again and when she was sure she picked the uniform.

The same as what old men wore just a different number.

Some workers finished and sent their player in a player's room already.

On uniform was number 067

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