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They say that every people were destined to someone and they are connected by an invisible thread—a red string. You don't really have to look for the one because he/she'll come to your life in the right time—or maybe the time that you least expected, who knows. Your thread may loop onto people who will eventually just pass by when you untangle the loop, and it can cause you pain but you should use that pain to gain strength and be ready by the time that your soulmate will come. That pain and the person who caused it should give you an idea on how wonderful your soulmate can be because you were destined to someone better.

And what if you already met your soulmate earlier than you could ever think of? Would you recognize his/her worth before it's too late?

Follow Leo on his way to debutation—and on his way to Aehyeon's heart.


[A/N]: All Trainee A members is said to make a cameo/scene(s) on this story. Junil is included here because I started this when he's still a member and I'll be in trouble if I remove him since he has a big role so happy reading!

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