Chapter 8 - Traumatized

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When Leo met Hanna, she taught him how to paint. Leo realized that he's pretty good at it and came to like painting. After Hanna died, whenever he holds a paintbrush, his hands shakes continuously out of trauma. He can't paint since then.

But now, here he is. In front a huge canvas and a few buckets of paint because his bestfriend ask him to help. He isn't the one painting tho. He's just guiding Sangwon and the others on how to mix and blend paints, and what design will be ideal for the foundation day. When no one was looking, he attempted to hold a blush. There is his hand shaking again. He held it with his other hand but its no use. He ended up crying. He's still traumatized. Then he realized that he should get going because of work.

"Sangwon, I really need to go. Just call me if you have any troubles or more questions, okay? My boss will kill me if I'm late again." He bid goodbye.

"Okay, Leo. Thank you for everything. Sorry if I was a burden to you that I made you get to paint again." Sangwon said with apologetic eyes. He felt bad, really. But he doesn't have a choice or else the whole council will be doomed.

"It's fine, Sangwon." Leo smiled and turned his back. He picked up his bag on the floor and head off to work. Just then, he stopped and faced Sangwon again.

"Uh, Sangwon, about me and Aehyeon..." He can't meet Sangwon's eyes. He's nervous that Sangwon will tell the others what is his connection with Aehyeon.

"Don't worry, I won't tell. I have no plans of broadcasting it anyway. I just used it for blackmailing. Pretty effective, right?" Sangwon said and they both laughed.


"By any chance, is his name Leo?" Aehyeon asked which made the old man gasp in shock.

"You know my son?" He asked with a beaming smile.

"I so know him. You see, we're childhood bestfriends. So I kinda know what he looks like when he was younger." Aehyeon answered and returned the smile.

"I can help you with him. He can't say no to me these days. I can get you to meet." She added while handing back the picture.

"I don't want to be a burden, young miss. Besides, I'm contented seeing him even just from afar." The old man refuses. He thinks that the girl infront of him already gave too much help.

"Please call me Hyeon. And it's okay, ahjussi. Leo lived knowing that he was abandoned by his own father but it seems like he doesn't know the true story. If you explain to him, maybe he can forgive you."

"I'm Lester by the way. It's funny we've been talking for hours but we don't even know each other's name. Just call me uncle. You seem close to my son, are you two in a relationship?" Lester asks which made Aehyeon shy. She'd love to but Leo here is more dense than honey.

"Oh, no sir--I mean uncle. We're not." Aehyeon refuses waving two hands as a no.

"Oh sorry. But you aren't seeing anyone, right?"

"N-no uncle." She said and looked down. She suddenly remembered Junil. They aren't a thing too but it's kinda weird setting him aside. She feels like she's betraying him for some reason.

"So uncle, how about we start at Auntie Jikyo? Think you can face him now? We can ask her help then we're good to go. We can even set a family date. I'll call Jihoon to come here and set a mini reunion for the four of you."

"So she named him Jihoon. When I left Korea, he is still on his mother's tummy. I bet he doesn't even know my existence and Leo must've been a protective older brother. He was excited back then to have a baby brother. Jikyo was 6 months pregnant the time I left so I only know the gender." His face is full of regret. He just missed the first milestones of his other son.

"Jihoon is a good boy. He loves his hyung and eomma very much. We're pretty close too when we were young and playing. I bet he'll accept you in no time." Aehyeon smiled. That's the least she could do.

Just then, Aehyeon's phone started ringing. It's Hyuri, a theater club officer.

"Excuse me uncle, I'll just pick up this call." She said as she stood up and walk towards the washroom.

[on the phone]


Aehyeon! Can you come
back here at school? We
have a meeting with the
other theater club officers.

Oh. Okay. I'm on my way.

[call ended]

"Uncle, I have a situation at school, I need to go. If ever, here's my number, call me so we can plan everything." She said and hands a piece of paper with her number written.

"Thank you, Hyeon. For everything. You should go, it seems so urgent." The man smiled and Aehyeon left the place.


Aehyeon was running back to the school when she saw Hyuri waiting for her at the school gate.

"Hyuri!" She shouted and pants as soon as she stopped running.

"Let's go to the meeting room. Everyone is waiting." Hyuri says as they both run to the meeting room at the back side of the theater.

"What's with the sudden meeting?" She asks. She aren't even a club officer, she's just the female lead for the upcoming role play for the foundation day.

"Junil had an injury while playing basketball earlier." Jekyung, the club president says. Aehyeon widen his eyes and gasp in shock.

"WHAT?! Is he alright?! Will he be able to perform?"

"The doctor said he needs to rest for 2 weeks. We have no choice, we have to find another male lead. It will be much more hassle if we change the play. And cancelling isn't in the options." Hyuri answered. How are they supposed to find someone who can memorize the whole script in 5 days?! Minding that it's a musical play, it should be also someone who can sing! They'll be doing 'Aladdin' but how the heck can they perform if their Aladdin cannot?

Just then, a name pops on Aehyeon's mind.



[A/N]: Yep, I'm back. I don't know why my brain seems to cooperate much more these days. You got cliff-hanged? Yes you should be. KIDDING😅 See you next update.

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