chapter 13

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"oh my god i hate my family"

"you know you love us"

"ok george and niki what do you want to do now?"

"oh i don't care whatever niki's wants to do"

"oh i was going to do dristas makeup do you want me to your makeup too george?"

"if you want to"

"ok let's go drista and george, dream stay here and watch a movie"


niki, george, and drista walked upstairs into drista's bathroom. niki had drista get all of her makeup from her bags.

"ok drista first what colors do you want"

"blue and purple"

"ok that's easy to do since they are similar colors now close your eyes please"

niki did dristas eye makeup and put lipstick on her.

"ok drista your done george's turn, what colors do you want"

"i'll match drista and do purple and blue"

"ok sit down right here"

niki patted the countertop and george sat on it. niki did george eye makeup but not his lips because he refused to let her.

"george let her do your lips please so we can match"

"ok fine niki you can do my lips"

niki did his lips to match drista.

"ok we're done let's go show dream"

they all walked downstairs to dream watching high school musical. niki walked behind him and covered his eyes.

"first up we have drista"

niki uncovered dreams eyes to let him see dristas finished makeup. niki recovered dreams eyes and introduced george.

"next up george"

niki uncovered dreams eyes.


"oh my god shut up idiot"

george sat next to dream and layed down on him. dream unpaused high school musical and they all watched it.

"i'm tired we should go to sleep"

"oh yeah definitely it's 3 AM"

niki and drista went to drista's room. dream and george went to dream's room.

"i wanna cuddle"

"ok c'mere"

george climbed on dream and dream layed them both down on his bed.

"your warm"

"probably cause your laying on me george"

"oh sorry i'll scoot over"

"no stay here"

"oh ok"

"you ass is squishy"

"what is wrong with you dream"

"i can't help but point out the obvious"

"oh my god can we just sleep please"

"ok squishy ass"

"i swear dream"

"seriously your ass is squishy though"

"i'm ignoring you and going to sleep"

"goodnight love"

"stop being so romantic dream"

"i thought you were going to sleep?"

"i am goodnight"

"goodnight pretty"

______ time skip______
"george wake up your phone is going off like crazy"

"what who's it from?"

"your mom"

"shit i forgot to text her and tell her i'm staying with you shit i'm so grounded"

george checked his phone

george where are you it's 1 AM?

are you safe?

your dad is pissed right now
1:30 AM

george davidson get home right now or you will be grounded until you graduate
3:00 AM

george i really just want to know if your safe i'm worried
4:00 AM

mom i'm so sorry i passed out at dream's house
6:00 AM

thank god your okay
you are still in trouble though
6:05 AM


"what are you grounded?"

"yeah probably forever"

"how is she not used to you not coming home yet?"

"because i usually text her and tell her i'm fine but i forgot to this time"

"oh, well i drive you home"

"ok we need to go now"

dream and george ran downstairs and threw on their shoes. they went to the car and started it. george decided he wanted to have aux. he played dayglow and 5sos.

"hey can you come in so my mom doesn't totally go physco on me"


george and dream got out of the car and walked up to the front door. they knocked and george's mom opened it and let them inside.

"george i can't even begin to think of your punishment i'm just glad you are okay"

"sorry i was hanging out with dreams little sister and forgot to text you where i was"

"just go to your room and give me your phone and you can't have it unless you go and hang out with someone understand"

"i understand"
a/n hi um yeah hi

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