Ideas, Business, Money and Jobs

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It's about ideas. Sheer grit, determination and a singular focus on that one thing.

Ideas create Ideas.

The ability to develop ideas.

The ability to develop ideas is the single most critical factor and source of wealth and growth for advanced economies today. Ireland listen.

University course idea: setting up companies using all the skills developed on the course - completely functional course.

Business owners should have to pass a business driving test before they can get a business loan. Business owners must understand about profit and loss.

Strategy is the recognition of opportunity and plan for seizing it. It also deals with the threats.

Return to profit making position - improve cash flow -shore up losses #Irish #businesses

Grace O'Malley the most fearsome business trader of all time.

Grainne Mhaol the most fearless courageous female warrior of all history.

Fortunes are made by minimising risk.

We are all pragmatic; making money is our main priority.

Money can only solve the problems that matter least. Creativity can solve the challenges that matter most.

Money is an illusion, it is a mere catalyst to the things you want.

Never think about money; win hearts first and then the money will come.

Winning over people is what its all about.

Find out exactly where you want to work and find the gate keeper, they will let you in.

Go to the person that has the job that you want; this is the go to person.

Connections and Contacts are really important.

You need to lead yourself and the by product is leading others.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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