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Internal strength, determination, conviction. Do you have what it takes to rise above it.

Sometimes life throws us sharp paperclips and we react to them. What we don't know is this is just to see if we bleed from small wounds.

Sometimes in life we hurt and share this hurt with others. When we succumb to what it really means to be you do we assume our true identities.

What defines us is how well we rise after a fall. - (unknown author)

Breathe, the surface you see could be better than you think.

When your present is going well you romanticise about the future. When your present is going bad you romanticize about the past. #That'sLife

Weight pulls me down - Strength pulls me up.

Life can be hard, it's only through being prepared can we take on the world and win. We can change it.

Get over things super quick because the best is just around the corner.

Friends really bring the sunshine into your life when you need it.

You go out there and get  what you want with hard work and you give 100%.

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