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Life gets in the way if you don't make important stuff your priority.

Relationships with your job, your friends and family need our focus in order to keep them worthwhile.

If you start the day doing everything right with perfection you are winning from the start so then winning and achieving is an everyday thing.

I have reflexes like a cat

Nothing evades my sight.

Just to the point of no return when it seems all is lost then do we win; we win big. These are the wins that count.

Theory of Expectation – When a certain outcome is expected from someone the person will perform to fulfil these expectations.

I believe my competition is with me.

Don't do what is expected of you. Be diverse in your strategies to your existence.

How to break peoples thinking of expectations of you and what your capable of; by original thinking and courageous action.

Never let the place where you start dictate where you finish. - (unknown author)

Keep it simple and always have an open mind.

Do something which is bigger than you and requires more energy.

It's not about having its about being.

Always searching ....always have horizons.

It means I can dream that I am allowed to dream and that my dreams can come true.

You worked for it, if you earned it and got it. No one can take that away from you.

I knew what I wanted and just went for it. I kept pushing for it and I loved what I was studying.

The will to endure, to persevere, to laugh, to be enlightened by those who you thought were your enemies. Life brings and gives everything.

Life is what you make it so make it spectacular.

I am blessed to be alive.

Let tomorrow remain a mystery in pursuit of today.

Sharing with the world allows you to reap the rewards.

Enjoy your day, it only happens once.

You have to let go of life to live it. Adrenaline. Do something which makes you feel alive every day. I don't mean dangerous things or extreme sports. I mean something for example your scared of going down escalators. View going down an escalator like an extreme sport. Go down a quarter size one first, the smallest escalator you can find. Go down that and do it a few times. Then when you are comfortable go down an escalator slightly bigger. Do the thing you are scared of but will improve your life if you get over this fear. Start challenging yourself today with incrementally small steps.

Sky diving - free your mind and just let go.
It allows u to say that you have no reason to be too serious about life in your life ever again.

Doing something different creates a new life for you.

How can we appreciate the moment more by doing things you enjoy more.
We need to do more things we enjoy and be with people and do things we enjoy then we will enjoy the moment more and appreciate each moment in our lives that is all we have. All we have is the moment

Living in moments to dare to give

Mistakes and flaws make the person perfection doesn't.

May you shoot for your desires and fall amist the star dust of your dreams.

To dream of what doesn't exist is to bring all your hopes and dreams into existence.

At the edge of chaos, forces a reaction, forces for change.

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