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Through love all things are possible. Nothing is impossible with love.

Love needs to start at home with us before we can create our own future's dreams of what we really want.

Through love all dreams, desires hopes become possible even the impossible ones.

With immense and intense emotion we live our lives even if we do not think this; this is why people use things to cover up what they feel.

Being not afraid of emotions that is what life is about. Being not afraid of love of hate of anything. Life=life

That is why we are creative to break down barriers in order to reach the person's real core the real self which is pure of heart.

No distance is required when the eternal flame burns bright.

You can fall in love with anything you just have to immerse yourself in it.

Love conquers all even the hardest hearts.

The storm of love is unstoppable by none.

Why does God do the things he does because he loves us. Why do I know this, ignorance is bliss.

A rose blooms only for the sun and life is created for the same reason.

Hearts and minds are devised by one who's only thought is their return back home.

The island of Ireland; a land of poets, saints, scholars and lovers. A deep, soulful, poetic people take up residence there.

To the core of my being I am loved.

Just the other day I have seen this first hand with the generosity of one who had nothing but gave me everything. She will be paid in kind.

I have a deep love for all cultures. I want to know and love the world and I want them to know and love me back. #itsaculturething

Live your own truth
Globalize love

Through the frivolity of the seach we find our souls.

In love we find the deepest regrets of our soul; the regret of wanting to do more.

Springtime for the soul; what will you do to create everlasting happiness for your existence. Now is the time to join the energy flow. Goals.

Without love we are floating motionlessly on a sea of disharmony and discord and with it we face are greatest challenges with ease.

Art is about having an original thought but we belong to the same conscious thought that flows through each of us so it belongs to everyone.

Standing on the edge of time we see the world. Time standing on its edge sees us.

Without thought we are nothing #QuantumPhysics

Quantum physicists suggest that the universe began with a single thought. Who created this thought?

Temporal compression in a lifetime of thoughts and feelings - that is twitter #NiceOne

At the end of the day we are all looking at the same sky.

Above all people want people to say they are worth it.

Young kids have great humanity because their souls are clear; they have a simplistic view of the world.#untainted

What if we made little kids from first world countries understand how kids from third world countries lived, do you think things would change?

Life's not about me it's about we.

Making a difference to people's lives.

Give more than you get.

More you give. More you get.

We must give to get. Never forget this.

Contribute beyond ourselves.

When we contribute we gain in life.

Must grow

To really help others, you must really and under no uncertain terms you must help yourself.

Be around people who know who you are; who are devoted and loyal to you but reciprocate this also.

Gentleness and kindness will always be rewarded.

I am so happy and grateful for the people around me.

Preserve yourself and you will find the right people to be around.

In the company of excellence you tend to do a little bit better.

To get advice you need to be around people high enough to give it to you.

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