Dreams, Happiness and Positivity

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I want to meet my dreams with a quivering bow.

Jump into your dream...you can catch it. Be brave.

Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. - (Basil King, quote author)

You have to have big dreams.

A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities - Unknown author

Happy New Year to all; may all your dreams come to life and dance in front of you in the most imaginative form possible so they touch hearts.

Is it better to have existed in the world or to live in ones dreams. #mwah~

When we dream we can be happy... Dreaming allows us to still be happy.

Use the force of happiness and positive energy to guide and direct your life.

Following your happiness is what your life should be about.

Be brave and only follow your happiness this is the only selfish choice you need to make in your life.

I am unapologetic about my happiness.

Luck follows luck and happiness follows happiness.

If I live in a structured way I am happy because I am doing the things which needs to be done.

Only when we are doing what we want this brings us closer to our real hopes and desire - only through happiness do we find this.

Only through happiness do we find out what we want to do.

Put in front of you everything that makes you happy, so you concentrate on being happy every day.

It's important to be happy now, this moment. Now, today, this moment is really important it creates your future.

Sometimes we are so caught up in our current situation that we can't see ahead. We have to hold our nerve and carry on. Be Positive.

You will always travel in the direction of your thoughts. #bepositivetocreateabetterfuture

To be positive think of the future; the future is uncertain full of hope and possibilities.

If you reverse the polarity of how you think much more can be achieved.

You have to top up your travel with more travel.

Laugh without reason when you need medicine.

You have to have big dreams.
Think things are actually possible.
Do something which is bigger than you and requires more energy.

I had an enormous demand on myself, I sculpt my mind with my emotions to achieve it.

We are made of more than flesh & bones. We have a soul and a heart that is what connects us to each other.

When you can conquer your fear you can grab life with both hands and dream – No fear, fearless.

When you dream you create a new life.

Without Dreams; Love & Hope we are set adrift in the great ocean of nothingness. If we stare out and see nothing only days.

Life - Quote book Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ