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-Hey guys here is chapter 3!-

Taylor's POV:

12 o'clock came by faster than expected.

"Lunch break Maggie," smiled Diane, winking at me.

I laughed, handing in my last order before taking off my apron and washing my hands.

I reapplied my pink lipgloss and was just about to walk through the door to the stairs before I heard a voice.

"Hi, I'm looking for Maggie?" He asked from the counter.

I sighed, walking over to him.

"Hey Ed," I smiled, walking over to the counter.

"Hey Maggie," he laughed, as I walked around to face him.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Asked Ed, shuffling a little bit uncomfortably.

"Sure, I hope you don't mind me in my uniform," I laughed.

He then opened the door for me and followed me out.

We walked along the street for a bit before he spoke.

"So there's this really cool ice-cream parlor around the corner, I was wondering if you'd like to get some ice-cream with me?" Asked Ed, smiling at me.

"I'd love to," I smiled back.

Ed grabbed my hand, which shocked me slightly but I quickly relaxed as we walked around the corner and into the parlor.

"So? When does your lunch break finish?" He asked me, as we got into the line.

"Um, 12:30," I replied smiling, looking down at our hands.

"Hello welcome, what flavor would you like today?" Asked the lady at the counter.

"Cookie dough please," we both answered at the same time.

We looked at each other and laughed.

"Cone or cup?" Asked the lady.

"Cup please," we both smiled, then laughed again.

"Alright then," smiled the lady, before getting our orders and bring them back to us.

"Here you go that will be $4 please," she smiled handing them to us.

Ed insisted on paying so I finally gave in.

"Toppings are over there," she smiled as we walked over to cover them with chocolate sauce and sprinkles and other things.

"So, where are you from Maggie?" He asked me as we sat down at a table.

"Um well, I grew up in Anaheim but I was born in Pensilvania," I smiled, only a small lie.

"Oh, you didn't by any chance go to school with my best friend Taylor Swift?" Asked Ed.

"Um no, we moved out here when I was very young," I smiled, "so how is finding her going? I heard she was missing," I asked him curiously.

"Yeah. I don't know where she's gone," he sighed, "but anyway let's talk about you."

"Um okay, there's not really much to know," I sighed, turning my head to face the window.

"I'm sure there's more than what I already know. Do you like music?" Ed asked me, smiling slightly.

"Yes, who doesn't?" I laughed.

"Do you have a favorite artist?" Asked Ed, smiling at me.

"You, of course," I laughed.

"Aw, I mean as amazing as I am," laughed Ed sarcastically, "there's better artists than me."

He was never great with taking compliments.

"Well that's just your opinuion," I smiled, taking a bite of my ice-cream.

"Have you ever been to one of my concerts?" Asked Ed.

"Um, yes lots of them actually, I even have tickets to your concert tomorrow night," I replied.

"Really?" He asked, a smile on his face.

"No, I'm only joking!" I replied seriously.

"Oh," he sighed.

I laughed.

"Hahaha yes really," I laughed.

Ed laughed too.

"Are you sure we've never met?" He asked me again.

I shook my head.

"No, you're right. I would have remembered those eyes," he smiled, taking another bite of his ice-cream.

"You like brown eyed girls?" I asked him.

"Yes, but not so much the colour of them. Just their beauty," he replied, smiling at me.

I smiled.

"Stop flirting with me," I smiled, dabbing ice-cream on his nose.

"Hey!" He laughed, rubbing it off.

His eyes then glanced up at the clock on the wall before his eyes widened.

"It's 12:30 now," he said.

My eyes widened too.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed, grabbing my ice-cream and standing up.

"I'll come with you," he smiled, standing up himself.

"Okay, but we need to run," I laughed as he grabbed my hand and we dashed out the door and onto the street.

We ran around the corner, his hand still placed in mine.

"Don't the paparazzi follow you everywhere?" I asked him.

He laughed.

"No, I'm not that famous so it's not as bad as some of my friends and what they have to go through," he laughed as we reached the doors of the café.

"Oh okay," I laughed, walking in through the doors to find Diane at the counter.

"I'm so sorry Diane I just lost track of time and-" Diane wasn't really paying attention to me, but more to the person standing next to me.

"It's okay Maggie, if you were on time I would have been worried," smiled Diane still looking at Ed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"She finishes at 3," smiled Diane, directing it towards Ed.

"No I don't I finish at 5," I replied, still confused.

Diane just gave me a look.

"Oh, right," I laughed finally understanding what she meant.

Ed smiled as I walked around and put on my apron to get back to work.

"I'll see you then," smiled Ed, giving me a small wave before walking out of the diner.

Diane just gave me a smile before I got back to work.

-okay guys that was chapter 3 please tell me what you thought in the comments!-

and stay

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