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-Hey guys, thanks for reading. Here is chapter 5!-

Taylor's POV:

It was a beautiful morning as I walked down the stairs into the kitchen part of the diner.

"Morning Maggie!" Smiled everyone.

"Morning guys!" I smiled, grabbing my note pad and pen.

"Oh Maggie I'm so excited for tonight!" Smiled Diane, referring to Ed's concert that we were going to.

"I know, me too," I smiled back.

I started taking people's orders.

As I handed one in, the bell to indicate that someone had walked in went off.

Like always I didn't take much notice, but when I turned around and saw who it was I couldn't help but smile.


"Breakfast break Maggie," smiled Diane, taking my apron off me and sending me to go sit down with him.

I sat down at a booth with Ed, sitting next to him.

"Hey Maggie, do you want some breakfast?" He asked me.

"Yes please," I smiled.

"Hmm, I think I'll have the blueberry muffin. And you?" He asked me, before wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Um, I'll have the same," I smiled.

We ordered and then Ed turned to me.

"You're still coming to my concert tonight, right?" Asked Ed, a smiled on his face.

I nodded, "yeah, of course I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I'm really pumped for tonight!" Smiled Ed, ripping the top off one of the small sugar bag things and tipped the sugar into his mouth.

I laughed.

"That can't be good for you," I

"It's not," he laughed back just as our two blueberry muffins came and were placed in front of us.

"Yum!" I smiled, taking a bite.

Ed took a bite of his and smiled.

"I love this place so much! It's my new favorite place to eat," smiled Ed.

"It is because of the food? Or for another reason?" I asked.

"No, not the food. I mean, the foods great and all but not the reason this is my favorite place to come. It's because of you Maggie," smiled Ed, grabbing my hand on top of the table.

I blushed slightly.

"Aw thanks Ed," I smiled.

Ed and I talked for a while before he had to leave for sound check.

I got back to work after that.

Calvin kept playing on my mind.

I tried so hard to distract myself with everything I could but his face just wouldn't leave my head.

He was my boyfriend.

But it was less painful this way. For both of us.

"Um excuse me miss, but my son just spilt his milkshake and I'm really sorry," sighed a lady, sitting at the table in front of me.

"Oh no. That's alright, I'll clean it up," I smiled, before grabbing the things I needed to clean up the mess.

5 o'clock rolled around fairly quickly, and as soon as it did I ran upstairs to get ready for the concert.

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