The End

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-Hey guys this is the final chapter for Searching for Maggie, hope you like it!-

Ed's POV:
The skin on my legs bubbled up into little hills, as I realized they were sticking out from my blanket and were bare against the fresh morning air.

I groaned, trying to position them back under the blanket that I had placed over myself after I slept on the couch last night.

Suddenly my eyes shot right open as I realized the reason I had slept on the couch last night.


I quickly pushed myself up into a sitting position, looking around for any other signs of life. But I saw none, only the three cats that were prowling around in my apartment.

She's gone? I thought to myself, thinking it was all a dream before I remembered the fireworks.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I could almost still hear their explosions, confirming the memory was very real.

"Taylor?" I asked, but only airy silence followed.

She was gone.

I quickly got up and ready for the day. I had to find her, know she was okay.

I drove down to the diner, parking my car right outside. It had only opened ten minutes ago so it wasn't very busy.

The sun was not fully up in the sky yet and was reflecting against the glass that decorated the small diner. As I took my first steps towards the front door my whole body seemed to freeze up in fear. What if she wasn't in there? What if she had skipped the country and left because of me?

My feet felt heavy with every movement I made towards the door. I almost thought I was going backwards until my hand reached for the silver handle and pushed open the door. A small ringing echoed throughout the diner as I stepped through the doorway and my heart jumped into my throat when my eyes landed upon her.

She was serving a table, as you do when your a waitress. But there was something about her presence that made my whole world light up in colours of happiness.

I observed her from across the room, the way she smiled at the customers at the table and the way her small hands clutched her paper as she scribbled down the order. She looked different from before she ran away, a little older maybe? Or maybe just a little wiser, but different none the less.

I watched as her body turned towards the counter and began walking back to the chef. As she looked around the room her eyes meet mine as if they were a key and mine a lock. She stopped dead in her tracks, her face showing a small sign of fear as I took the brave steps towards her.

Her feet seemed as if they were glued to the floor. She only leaned backwards slightly as I approached her. I stopped walking when I reached her, my shoes making a scuffling sound against the wooden floor as I came to a halt. Our eyes were locked together as if nothing could break them apart.

"I know what you're going to say. But I'm not coming back," Maggie kept staring back at me.

No anger lingered in her voice, only pain could be heard as her words were almost crushed by the lump in her throat.

"I know. But that doesn't mean I don't love you."

My heart filled to it's upmost content and poured itself onto the floor as I felt my own voice cracking.

The loud clatter of the pen and paper falling from her delicate hands didn't even process in my ears until I realized everything else was silent. I wouldn't dare move my gaze away from her but I knew everyone in the diner was watching too.

Searching For Maggie (Sweeran)Where stories live. Discover now