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-hey guys here is chapter 4 hope you guys enjoy it and yeah!-

Taylor's POV:

It had just reached 3 o'clock, but I had dashed upstairs quickly. Not wanting to go on another date dressed in my uniform.

Wait. Is this what I want? Do I want to be more than friends with Ed? Hold on. Not only am I leading him on if I don't feel that we could be more than friends, but also I'm lying to him. I'll have to tell him at some point! Oh god Taylor, what have you dug yourself into?

I pushed these thoughts to the side. No. Right now I needed to live in the moment and not worry about the future. Now, is all I'll ever have.

I brushed my wig (without taking it off my head), it's curls falling into place. Put on some shiny pink lip-gloss and a short blue flowery dress with some black heals. Then checked my contacts, which were still fine.

Suddenly I heard the phone ring from the apartment and ran to answer it.

"Hello Maggie speaking, how can I help you?" I asked through the phone.

"Oh hey Maggie, it's Ed. Just telling you that I'm on my way now?" He asked me.

"Oh that's great! I'm ready so I'll see you soon," I smiled though the phone.

"Okay. Oh hey Maggie, just out of curiosity why did you give me a landline number?" Questioned Ed, laughing slightly.

I already had planned out what I was going to say.

"Well, my cell phone is actually broken at the moment so I wanted you to be able to contact me," I laughed.

"Oh okay, that makes sense. Well I'll see you in about 10 minutes," smiled Ed through the phone.

"Okay, I'll see you then," I replied before hanging up.

I sighed, before walking back down into the kitchen and the into the diner, sitting down at a table.

"You excited?" Asked Diane, leaning against the bench by the cash register.

I rolled my eyes.

"No, I'm loathing it actually," I smiled sarcastically and Diane laughed.

"You look wonderful!" Smiled Diane, before some more people walked through the door and began to order.

I sat there and pulled out my phone, reading some texts from people who
I wasn't going to reply to.

Mom, dad, Austin, Selena, Karlie, Abigail, Ed and Calvin.

I sighed reading through them all.

Lots of "please come back" "I love you" "where are you?" "Are you okay?" And other things.

Calvin- Taylor, was it something I did, or said? Why have you run away? Please reply, I love you so much Taylor xxx

But I quickly exited out of them.

I quickly realized that I needed to put my phone away, so I dashed upstairs and put it into a draw before walking back downstairs.

Just as I walked out of the kitchen, Ed walked through the door, a smile on his face.

"Hey Maggie, I'm not late am I?" He asked, seeing the saddened look on my face and quickly checked his watch.

"No, no your right on time. I was just thinking," I replied, laughing slightly.

"Oh, hey Maggie. I got you something," he smiled, handing me a brand new IPhone 6, with a cupcake case,"I set it all up for you myself."

"Wow, um you didn't have to do that." I replied, slightly in shock.

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