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-Here is chapter two for you guys!-

Taylor's POV:

I was awoken by a knock on my bedroom door.

"Maggie, I've made you breakfast," serenaded Diane from the other side of the door.

"Thanks!" I called back, opening my eyes, sitting up and stretching.

The door slowly creaked open, realizing my appearance I shoved my body into the bed and covered my head with the blankets before Diane could see me.

"Morning Maggie!" Squeaked Diane in a high-pitched voice.

"Morning!" I called back, my face still buried under the covers.

There was a short silents before Diane spoke again.

"Whatcha hiding under there for? There ain't no one with you, is there?" Asked Diane, you could almost here the smirk in her voice.

I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"No no. No one in here, just tired," I replied.

"Oh alrighty then. I'll just leave your breakfast here," sighed Diane, as I heard her place the breakfast on the bedside table and walk out, closing the door behind her.

I sighed, double checking she had really left before pulling the covers off my head and sitting up.

Diane was the best cook in all of Anaheim. As that is where I was, hiding away.

It was my day off today, so I lazily ate my breakfast and then dragged my body into the bathroom to start what had become a daily routine (most of it I did before all this anyway)

Shower. Get dressed. Put hair in bun. Wig. Contacts. Brush teeth. Wash face. Light make-up. Done.

Today I was wearing faded jeans with a simple blue jumper with a sparkly gold heart in the middle and some black keds.

I then grabbed my dirty dishes from the side of my bed and brought them out into the open plan of a kitchen/lounge type thing.

"And she finally emerges," smiled Diane, handing me a cup of coffee, as I finished putting the dishes in the dish washer.

I laughed.

"thanks," I smiled, as I took the coffee.

"I have a present for you," smiled Diane.

"Yeah?" I asked curiously.

She handed me a ticket.

Disneyland one day pass!

It read on the front.

"Aww, thanks Diane," I smiled,"but what about you?"

"Oh no, just you. You go have fun now," she smiled.

I love Disneyland, really. But what can you do by yourself?

"It's only a half an hour walk or you could call a taxi," she smiled.

I smiled and thanked her again before walking out the front door, downstairs and out the diner into the warm Anaheim air. Before getting out my phone and calling a cab.

As I was waiting for the taxi I saw a familiar face standing on the other side of the road.


I kept my head down as the taxi pulled up and I got in quickly telling the driver where to go.

Ed was in Anaheim, but why?

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