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They left the party behind, as they started walking down the shore of the beach. Harry was the first to take his shoes off so that he could feel the sand and sea over his toes. Louis followed his movements very quickly wanting to feel the same freedom as he did. They dipped their warmth into the shore's waves, as it gently rolled over their fingers.

They walking in a comfortable silence for a while. Besides each over, closer than they ever had. Harry could feel the warmth of Louis' shoulder touching against his. It sent slight shivers down his spine...Louis was the first to man up, as he took Harry's hand on his, wrapping his thin fingers around his, intervening them together as he smiled and looked into Harry's green eyes.

Harry liked such touch, he had always wanted this, walking down the shore, at a starry night, as he held the hand of his partner...as he was free, peace having filled his mind and heart, soothing just like the warm water that trickled his feet beneath the sand.-"Louis..."

Louis turned on his heel, he stopped and turned around, gazing him with much feelings. He placed Harry's hand over his heart and held it there.-"I'm fighting a lot of feelings, keeping from coming out..."

"Let them...It's fine now."-Harry whispered softly as Louis came closer.

"Can I do this..."-Louis said placing a hand on his face, gazing his lips as he brushed the side of them with his thumb.

Harry could feel Louis' heart beat faster under his touch. For sure his own was daring it into a race. He closed his eyes softly, breathing in deeply...-"Yes."-He said trying not to look very enthusiastic.-"Please."-He added.

"Always so nice."-Louis smiled standing on the tip of his toes, Harry was a bit taller so it made sense. But at least he bowed down a bit, till their lips meet, soft like oceans, fresh like the trees, gazing each other like the pure summer breeze.

Louis kept his eyes closed even after the kiss had ended. Harry rested his forehead on his.

"Your lips are as wonderful as your personality."-Louis said smiling wider.

"You...you are so good with words."-Harry said nervously.

"Aren't you the writer...aren't words supported to flow like water on your mouth."-Louis asked laughing as he went back to walking down the shore.

"I can think of a few things that can flow like water in mouth right now other than just words."-Harry mumbled but Louis heard him quite well, bursting into a nervous laugher.

"That's what I'm definitely talking about!"

Harry laughed.-"People have told me, humour is not my thing."

"Cannot relate, people would pay me to go to their children's birthday parties as a clown."

"How does it feel to be god's favourite!"

"Good to know I have a plan B if one day I am jobless."-Louis laughed...a painful laugh.-"I admire your life Harry..."

"Shouldn't...it's...it's bad."-Harry said now both having stopped again.

They where both far away from the party now. So they decided to sit down on the sand. Harry dropped his shoes on the side and got closer to Louis.

"So...you go first than. What's your story? What makes this Harry Styles, THE Harry Styles?"-Louis asked, ready to listen to him.

Harry was also ready to gain Louis trust, to tell his story, he's only told it to a few people, Sara being one of them...

"My life...wasn't always this beautiful, this peaceful. It used to be a lot different. When I was 7 my dad, left , like many people in my life did. Since then everything went downhill. Years later I came out to my mom. Told her my true colours where the ones of a rainbow. I just wanted to be free, I knew who I was, I knew what I was, I liked boys so what...but that...that only made it worse, people at my school found out, they started bullying me. Badly. I had no friends, they would scare everyone away! I was left alone! At home mom would try to help me, deep down I knew I was a burden to her. So the next time we moved out to another place, I didn't tell anyone about me. I kept doing that till last year of high school, until someone found out from an ex student of my previous school. We were older now, the bullying was not just bullying...I tried to keep them of my back till the end of the year...but at the homecoming party they...ugh!"-Harry let out a choked sound as his voice cracked for the first time within the story.

Louis, who never thought the story would go like this, listened, struck with sadness and anger towards those who hurt this golden angel. He was boiling as he pulled Harry in a hug.-"Come here. You don't need to go on if-..."

"No! Let me finish. They tried, just tried. I didn't let it happen. I pushed them, clawed their faces till I was off their hands. I spent the whole summer in therapy. I hated going out, I hated meeting people, I hated everything, everyone. They only brought hate in my life. They only ruined me. Every part of me. Took my happiness, took my smile, my joy, my whole life."-Harry said now Louis tried to wipe Harry's tears but there just kept falling more.

Harry showed Louis his wrists, taking off the beautiful bracelets. Louis gasped.-"Harry...Oh god no!"

He showed him his long faded scars.-"They made me hate myself...they made me HATE. I only wanted to be free. I just wanted freedom, I just wished to be accepted! They killed me, they killed a part of me. All of them, all those hate-filled humans!"

Louis held him closer to his heart, his head now resting on his chest.-"Hear me out. You are so pure, so innocent. Such an angel. They didn't ever deserve you love! None of them did. You are made for more than that! You are made to be adored, to be loved, to be happy. Oh! How I wished to take all your pain away, change your past. Wish I was there at the time. Protect you from this cruel world!"

Harry was trying to control his faint sobs.-"It's fine now...the rest of the story just gets better...I entered art school, a school where everyone was like me, colourful, dreamy, artsy, many had stories like mine to share. I meet many wonderful people there, made real friends for the first time. They loved me, I loved them. I started writing, published my first book by the second year. Everything was great. I was no longer a burden to my family, I even got to date people I liked. Once I finished college, and the sales of my books where up, economically I got stable, didn't need second jobs to hold up the rent...I started looking for a place, a town, peaceful, quiet, away from all hate. A place where one day my prince would come and find me if I was destined to have one in my life...where we would start our family, adopt a cat, have kids and live a long peaceful life...Peace. All I want now is Peace."

"You deserve it all! You deserve the whole world!"-Louis did not let go of him. He held him in. He kissed his wrist where the scars of a untaken life stood. Louis payed to whatever higher power was up there, thanked him for not having taken this person away from this earth. Thanked him, for having spared him.

Louis was truly thankful, he found a half as broken as he was.


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