What To Do Pre-Shifting?

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Pre-Shifting is one of the most important parts on achieving to get to your DR. DR stands for "Desired Reality". It is the place you are trying to transport yourself to. First of all, remember none of these are mandatory, but highly recommended. To begin with, making a script will help to manifest your journey. A script is just as it seems, your scripting what you want to happen in your DR. You can add anything you want in your script. For Example, "I am the prettiest girl in the school" or "I have the most Magic in the world".  You can right your script on the notes section on your phone, in a journal, on a Google doc, really any place you want! Somethings that I recommend scripting are your safe word. You can't leave your DR unless you have said your safe word, it can be anything, I encourage it be something that you would never say in a normal conversation because you may leave your DR unintentionally. Mine personally is my full name witch I would usually never say. Another idea is scripting that you never have any embarrassing moments and you can't die. If you were to die in your DR, you would just enter back into your CR. CR stands for "Current Reality" which is the reality you are in right now. One last idea is that you should script that you always have a watch on you that has your CR time on it. Unless you intend for time to run the same, then you could script say "1 hour in my CR is 1 week in my DR". The more of a time difference there is apart from each reality, the more tired you'll feel once you depart from your DR. So make sure the time is too far apart. Remember, when creating your script, you are not creating a reality you are simply just transporting to another one. Apart from scripting, you should drink a lot of water pre-shifting because it'll help you shift easier. Drinking healthy foods and having a genuinely good day will increase your vibrations. For shifting, your vibrations need to be super high. I recommend doing reality checks for the Lucid Dreaming Method (chapter 4). Doing self hypnosis is very helpful! Basically put your pointer finger on your 3rd eye, which is in between your eyebrows. Focus on your third eye and recite affirmations. Some great affirmations include "I can shift" "Shifting is real" "Shifting is as easy as breathing" "I can go to any reality I please". Now I usually take a shower, brush my teeth and hair, and do my skincare routine! Continue doing all of this throughout the day and when nighttime comes, I have a special routine. The first thing I do is cleanse water using crystals. I 100% recommend owning crystals for shifting because they really help you connect spiritually to anything. All I do is recite affirmations while spinning a Selenite wand in circles around water. After that I drink the water I cleansed. The second thing I do is another self hypnosis 3rd eye method. The third thing I do is watch pictures and videos that remind me of my DR for about 10 minutes. After that I reread my script and recite more affirmations. The fifth thing I do, is a crystal meditation. For this I take my Selenite wand, but you can use any crystals, and interlock it between my fingers. I try to connect with the crystal as if we share the same energy! Symptoms for this is happiness or feeling like the crystal has its own heartbeat. After this put the crystal user your pillow or near your bed. The sixth thing I do is cleanse my bed with various crystals, I recommend using a Harry Potter wand if you want to shift to Hogwarts. Lastly I get into bed and do my last and final self hypnosis. Now is where methods come in!

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