The Raven Method

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Methods are how you transport your self from your CR to your DR. Methods are not required but highly recommended. They may be challenging at first, but you just have to stay still and say affirmations to get through it. When you're about to shift you will feel and see a number of symptoms such as, seeing a white light, feeling a tingling sensation, feeling dizzy, a feeling of falling, floating, and much more. The Raven Method is probably the easiest and least complicated. Basically you lay in a starfish position and count to 100, in between each number you say an affirmation. While doing this you need to visualize your DR very detailed and don't let any distractions distract you from shifting. For me personally I didn't have much progress with this method, I did feel a lot of tingling though, but remember to keep in mind that everything is different for everyone, you just have to have the right intention.

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