The Lucid Dreaming Method

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The Lucid Dreaming Method is definitely my favorite method to use and in my opinion the easiest. Lucid Dreaming is when you are aware that you are dreaming, when you realize you are dreaming you can do anything you want. This is where it connects to shifting, Once in a lucid dream you can create a portal to your DR, and then you'll shift! Being able to lucid dream isn't as hard as shifting straight to your DR in my opinion. To prepare yourself for lucid dreaming I recommend doing a lot of reality checks, like looking at your hands and counting your fingers because once your in a lucid dream your fingers look very different. I also highly suggest righting I will lucid dream tonight 50-100 times on a piece of paper to get it into your mind that you will lucid dream. When saying affirmations include lucid dreaming affirmations along with shifting ones. The lucid dreaming affirmations are the same as shifting ones you just replace the word "shift" with "lucid dream", but make sure you still include your regular shifting affirmations too! Once you get into bed, you need to visualize your DR very vividly and don't let anything distract you.

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