Chapter 5

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Marilynn's pov

The next day at school was going by pretty slow I had a feeling something was going to happen. I kind of figured that I was right when I saw Brad coming towards me in the hallway.

I quickly turned around, but sadly he caught up to me. "Marilynn wait" he shouted after me "what do you want" I asked as I turned to face him. "I just wanted to apologize to about what happened at the party. I knew it was wrong to take advantage of you when I knew you were drunk, and I am really sorry about that. I also want to apologize for using you for sex just to win a bet" he said.

"Are you just apologizing to me because your girlfriend told you to. Or are you apologizing because you actually mean it" I didn't belive he meant what he was saying. I really didn't want someone apologizing to me when they really don't mean what the say.

"I... I... I mean it" he lied "of course you do" I said sarcastically. I knew he didn't mean it, he only said something because he wanted his girlfriend to forgive him. "I do, I really do mean it" I walked away from him not wanting to hear anymore.

Brad's pov

I tried apologizing to Marilynn but it didn't work. I could tell that she didn't believe I was serious when I said sorry. I mean she was right when she said I was saying sorry because Maddie told me to, but that was only half of it. I really did mean it when I said I was sorry, I just really wish she would've believed me.

Marilynn's pov

After school was over Brittany dragged me to the mall with her. "The first place we are going to go to is Victoria Secret because I need to buy more underwear and to also get you something". I was going to argue but I knew it was useless trying to argue with her. "Okay, I guess we could something for me, but nothing too provacative" I stated. "Not gonna happen, plus mostly everything in this store is provacative".

She's right almost everything in this store is a bit showey but I knew they're a few things in here I would like.

"First we're going to look for some underwear for you" she told me "okay" I muttered. We went through a bunch of underwear choices and she got three pair of thongs for me. I really didn't like thongs because they mase feel so uncomfortable, but I was just going to deal with it.

After we finished shopping for new clothes we went to the food court to get some food. "So, why did you but me so much clothes?" I asked. "Because you are going to be wearing some of this stuff tomorrow and for the rest of the week" she answered nonchalantly. I let out a big huff getting Brittany's attention once again "what's the matter, didn't you want to get back at the jerk" she asked. "Yes I did... I mean I do but... I don't know anymore" I replied.

"What changed?" "he apologized" I answered making it sound more like a question. "You're going to do it" Brittany said now looking at me in the eyes "you are not going to give up that easily, you will make him regret what he did to you. I will make sure of it" I want to start arguing with her so I decided to change the subject.

"So how much longer are we going to be at the mall?" I asked curiously "well if you must know I was hoping we could look around in a couple of more stores before we leave. lf that's all right with you of course" I nodded my response and we got up to dump the rest of our food in the trash.

After we finished shopping we decided to go to the movie theater. Brittany told me that she wanted, to see a movie called Mama. I agreed and she bought us the tickets. I saw the previews and it looked pretty scary to me.

When the movie was over Brittany decided that we should go to get some icecream from Cold Stone. I then remembered that I had homework that I needed to do. I asked Brittany if she could drop me off at my house so I could get my homework done.

She agreed saying she needed to go home before it got too late. "See you tomorrow Marilynn" she waved "see ya" I waved back.





~Edited by CuteBabyGirl~

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