Chapter 14

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A/N: This chapter will probably be really short. It is mainly a filler chapter through out the rest of Marilynn's pregnancy. I will try to add more on to it later on when I get enough time to. For now enjoy.


Marilynn's pov

"I like this one" I say pointing to an apartment Brad was showing me. I told him that I would move in with him and now we were looking at houses. For the last three months we had been looking for some apartments that we could rent out but most of them were taken.

"It's a mile away from school and its close enough to your job" I tell him. "And it is big enough for all three of us and a guest".

"All right we'll go check it out tomorrow after school. Hopefully this will be the house we can move into." He says hopeful.

When I had told my parents that I was going to move into an apartment with Brad they were a little upset. They got over it soon though and they accepted the fact that I was going to leave.

"I should get going" Brad said closing his laptop getting up from the couch.

He bent down to kiss me before kissing my stomach. "Bye baby girl" he whispered. I felt the baby kick and laughed. It tickled when she would kick my stomach.

"What's so funny?" Brad asked.

"She kicked" I say.

"Again! I all ways miss it" he looks down disappointedly.

I grabbed his hand putting it over my stomach.

"Talk to her" I tell him.

"Hello Kate, um, this is your father talking to you. Your mommy and I can't wait to see you" he says.

I laugh at his nervousness with this.

I feel Kate kick his hand and he smiles.

"She kicked" he says astonished.

Brad gave me another kiss before leaving.

I grabbed my phone to call Brittany and tell her about the news. It has been a while since we talked to each and I felt the need to talk to her. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello" she says into the phone.

"Hey, Brittany Brad and I found an apartment and we're going to go check them out tomorrow. I was wondering if you want to come with us." I ask.

"Sure what time should be at your house?" she asked.

"We're going after school so you can just ride with us" I told her.

We talked on the phone for a few more hours before I decided it was time for me to go to bed.


After school Brad, Brittany, and I went to go look at the apartment Brad and I found yesterday.

"How big is the apartment?" Brittany asked.

"It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms" Brad answers.

"That's pretty. Big for an apartment" she comments.

"And all most around the corner from school" Brad replies.

We arrive at the apartment in less than a minute; Brad helps me get out of the car.

Brittany walks behind us with her mouth gapped open.

"I'm gonna need to get myself an apartment of my own if they all look this nice" she whispers to herself.

The doors were open and there was another couple there with the realtor.

"Maybe this house is taken" Brittany whispers to me.

"Hello, today is open house. Feel free to look around; if you have any questions asked them. I will be more than happy to help." The lady is nice, looking at the other couple I saw the girl pointing at a painting. I don't want them to buy the house I want it to be mine.

"Do you think we'll be able to get this house before they do?" I whisper up to Brad.

"Maybe" he says to me, "you really like this house don't you" I nodded my head yes.

I turn walking towards the stairs to look at the rooms up here. Going into the smallest room the walls are painted a pale yellow color. If we were to get this apartment I would have the walls changed to purple or pink. The crib will be right in front of the window, a dresser on one side and a changing table on the other.

I feel hands wrap around my stomach and a chin on my head.

"This will be perfect for Kate" I tell him, just imagining our daughter being born and in this room makes me happy.

"And you're positive you want to live here" Brad asked me one more time.

"Yes, I'm sure".

Brad left to go talk to the realtor about buying the house. I am hoping we are not too late.


Not long after we left I am glad because my feet and back was starting to hurt. Brad filled out the paperwork for the apartment, now all we have to do is pay for it. When I get home I will need to start packing the rest of my stuff so we will have time to move in during the weekend. Brittany is going to stay to help me pack my stuff.

Brad dropped Brittany and I off at my house and we quickly went to my room and started packing my clothes and other things in suitcases. We took an hour break to get something to eat and relax. My back started hurting even more than it was before.


2 months later

Brad and I finally were moved in to our apartment, there are still some things that we need to unpack but decided to that after Kate is born which would be any day now. Kate's room was completely finished the only thing that I wanted to be added in is a changing station. We don't have enough funds for that so for now there will just be a table there.

I am sitting down eating when I feel a warm water soaking my legs. At first I thought I peed on myself but then I realized that the baby is coming.

"Brad" I yelled up the stairs.

"What?" he shouted back.

"She's coming"

"Who's coming" he asked walking down the stairs.


His eyes became big saucer's as he noticed what I told him.

Grabbing the book bag by the door he walked me out to his car and drove to the hospital. That's when the contractions started.

"Can you drive faster" I all most yelled at him.

"I'm driving as fast as I can".

I am trying my hardest not to have this baby in the car. Feeling something at the edge of my vagina didn't help either.

"She's coming".

He sped up the car even more. Soon we arrive at the hospital.


"Say hello to Kate Annabelle Carson" I told everyone in the room.

Our daughter was born June 18,2013

9lbs 8oz.

She looks just like Brad, her eyes and hair is the same color as Brad. Her whole face looks like Brad except for her lips. That is the only thing that resembles me.

"She's so adorable can I hold her" my mom asks.

I nod my head handing Kate to her careful not to wake her up.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I won't be writing any extra chapters to this story for a while.

100 votes for whole story for update.

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