Section 4 - Room No. 17

15 6 0

☆*: .。. ⁂ .。. :*☆

The alarm screamed, like a child in pain. The lights flashed on and off, like lightning.

In the middle of all this chaos, a small, scared, bear-like boy stood, clutching his phone to his chest, never letting go of the only thing he had from home.

All of a sudden, he was in a room, completely dark, except for a spot of light, where he was standing. Completely quiet.

Completely alone.


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Out of the darkness, a thousand mirrors burst into the room, yet not squashing into the child into an omelette.

He looked around.

All he saw were mirrors, each a perfect replica of the next, reflecting Choi Beomgyu with the same perfection, down to every single wrinkle on his hoodie and every strand of hair on his head.

He raised his hand.

His reflections did the same.

He turned around.

And just before his reflections turned...

They disappeared.

☆*: .。. ⁂ .。. :*☆

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