Chapter 7

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A child should not be left alone. Especially when they are unfamiliar with wherever they are and don't know that their friends are slowly falling apart. Not very advisable. Definitely not in a dark room where they can't even see around themselves for a metre. But all of this happened to Huening Kamal Kai.

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A burst of light appeared in the darkness, illuminating Hyuka's body. Streaks of brightness shot past him, but not illuminating the rest of his surroundings. They gradually filled in with colour, bright reds, deep blues, soothing greens, cheery yellows, a hint of violet here and there, and all the hues in between.

He ran to what he could only assume was forwards, to where the lights and colours came from, to find whoever made them, to his salvation, his saviour.

To something that would make them stay together forever.

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He gradually ran out of breath, chasing the insubstantial. Bending down, he took in gulps of air, like he would never breathe again. His gasps echoed in the silent nothingness, bouncing back and forth, then faded into the darkness.

Stand. Look around.

Stairs appeared, stacking onto each other, one by one. And at the top...

A door frame.

And the doors appeared.

Double doors with elegant gold bar handles.

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The young, penguin-like boy slowly, cautiously stepped onto the chalk-white steps.

Why is this here? Why am I here? How did these stairs appear? How did I get here? Where is here?

Why me?

Where is everyone else?

What happened?

He decided to put his trust into wherever the stairs were leading him to, trying to ignore the thorn in his heart telling him to stop.

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He reached the top of the stairs. Stared at the carved wood slabs, separating him from whatever was on the other side.

He took in a deep breath, placed his hands on the ornate handles, and pulled the doors open.

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To reveal a bright, glaring light, piercing his eyes, nearly blinding him. Squinting his eyes, he tried to make out whatever was in front of him. Wind blew his hair back from his forehead.

Soon, he adjusted to the brightness, but still had to use his hand to shade his eyes.

He slowly removed his hand from his forehead to look around.

Blue skies.

Pure white, cotton-candy-soft clouds.

Smooth, reflective surface beneath his feet.

Like water, with ripples distorting its clear shininess.

Two platforms, clean as the clouds around, identical door frames, with the same doors as the ones Hyuka had just emerged from.

Separated by the surface.

And the other set of doors opened.

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Choi Yeonjun pushed the handles as far apart as possible, to reveal Choi Soobin, Choi Beomgyu and Kang Taehyun standing behind him. All of them bore no signs of their wounds and pains. They looked exactly how they did before something happened.

All complete and whole.

Not too much, not to little.

Just right.

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Huening Kai looked at the water-like surface beneath him.

Determination set in his eyes.

After just one second of hesitation, one second of struggle with the thorn, he decided to trust his hyungs with his life again.

He took a step of faith, of love, of determination, and of trust.

He stepped onto the water.

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But the thing is, the trusting boy didn't fall after all.

He was held up by his faith in his friends, and his love for them.

He took a step forwards.

Not falling. Only ripples.

Another step.

Same thing.

And then sudden darkness.

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"I reach out my hands but touch nothing"

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