Chapter 6

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Kang Taehyun, all alone in a small world of violets. All alone. No one else. In an unfamiliar sea of purple flowers and green leaves and stems. A world where every single flower petal was shaped to perfection, every single hue matching the colour scheme. A world where there was only him and the flowers. A world of peace, but also of limitations. Small, perfect, lonely.

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He thought he was alone.

Until he saw a white-purple figure, decked out in the flowers, slumped on a chair, on his own little island of flowers and leaves. Maybe this place isn't so bad after all.

He recognised the figure at once.

"Yeonjun-hyung!" the redhead yelled, waving his hands to attract the older's attention.

No reaction.

He tried yelling louder.


Still nothing.

His despair showed in his eyes, wanting to reach his friend. Why isn't he responding?

So he decided to go to Yeonjun, instead of waiting for Yeonjun to come to him.

At the first few steps, the soles of his shoes were stained a deep purple by the violets. Like purple blood.

As he drew closer to the ghostly pale figure, he realised something.

Yeonjun was dead.

His bright laughter silenced forever. Hands which used to playfully smack his friends stilled. Eyes, once full of happiness and hope, their light extinguished.

Which was why he wasn't responding.

Purple liquid dyed his skin and pure white clothes, like blood, slowly dripping into the puddle on the ground. A purple gash on his throat, which probably took his life. His eyes were closed, as if he was in a deep sleep, never to wake up again. And the flowers decorating his hair...

Upon closer inspection, they weren't entirely flowers.

What Taehyun had taken for vines and grass was in reality a crown of thorns, their twisted branches intertwined in Yeonjun's fluffy yellow hair, sticking out in odd angles, covering where his beautiful horns had once been.

Even his horns were gone.

His bare, stained feet rested in a liquid mixture of clean white and many purples, swirling around with every breath of the wind. It was peaceful, a perfect resting place for Choi Yeonjun, a chaotic, noisy, crazy and absolutely wonderful crackhead when he was alive. All Yeonjun wanted was love, and to be with his friends. Maybe he would have love in his afterlife. But to be with his friends...

Either they find a way to bring him back, or they find a way to make him stay with them.

Or they die too.

But it was only their last resort. Only.

But they would do anything to keep their promise to the star.


And Taehyun was willing to risk anything and everything to be with his friends.


Even his life, but he hoped that things wouldn't go that far.

He wanted Yeonjun back.

He wanted to be safe, with his friends.

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Flower petals drifted around, like the ashes in another broken, burning world. But here, Choi Yeonjun could be safe, without the cat. Taehyun was convinced that he knew something about the cat, which had caused him to die.

And he wanted to know too.

He wanted to make sure that it would never try to separate them ever again.

The hearts of the violets changed. From their usual shape, they moulded into skulls, as if to signify Yeonjun's death, his corpse cold and stiff beside them.

But they would find a way to be back with him again.

For the time being, tell no one.

They would have to find a way.

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"We will find a way"

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