Section 5 - Moratorium Of Rest

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Kang Taehyun rearranged the position of his headphones over his ears.

When the fire alarm sounded, he immediately ripped them off, leaping to his feet like a squirrel, staring around, trying to see what had triggered the alarm.

And he found himself in a dark meadow of violets.

The flowers were everywhere, each either white with a purple centre or purple with a lighter purple centre, stretching as far as Taehyun could see, which was not very far, considering that the landscape faded into darkness a few metres from where he was standing.

The flowers waved in the slight breeze.

Something was wrong. Taehyun could feel it in his bones.

What is this place? Why am I here? Where is everyone else? What happened? Huh?

He would find his answers sooner than he thought.

Much sooner.

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