Section 7 - Beginning Of The End

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The overhead lights flashed on and off dramatically, plunging the room into darkness for a second, then lighting it back up with its stark contrast between the moment just before and the black emptiness outside.

Swaying back and forth dangerously, back and forth, back and forth. Swinging around.

Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun and Huening Kai turned around, under the dangerously swaying lights above. Fear flashed in their eyes, like prey being cornered by the hunter.

Red glinted from the window in the corner, bright as blood, concealed like a diamond, hidden from prying eyes and anything, or anyone, else.

Visible only in darkness. Plunged in shadow.

As if it were a death omen.

The endless screaming of the alarm did not help with the chaos in the once-calm practise room. It pierced the eardrums of the five friends, driving panic into their minds, even if they didn't show their fear on their faces.

But however hard they tried to keep their features an indifferent stone mask, their terror showed in their eyes, bringing them together in their shared fear.

But fear could not keep people together, for they would eventually grow wary of each other soon, and split apart further than ever.

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