Chapter 8

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Four boys stood in the middle of the practise room, staring around at the pristine white walls in shock and fear. The fifth half-hiding in a corner. There was no sign of the earsplitting alarm mere seconds ago. Just peace and calm. And unnerving silence.

What just happened? they all felt like asking, but could not muster up the courage to open their mouths. One simple unspoken sentence could destroy their friendship and future together. All it took was one silenced line. And their world would end.

☆*: .。. ⁂ .。. :*☆

The open bottle lay on the floor, bleeding it's contents out onto the floor. Slowly trickling away, into the growing puddle at the entrance.

And Choi Soobin decided to come out of the dark corridor.

Beomgyu immediately took out his phone and continued filming him, as if nothing had happened. And maybe nothing did happen. All that they had gone through could have been just a dream. Their lives could be a dream. Everything could be a dream and when they woke up, nothing existed.

Then all returned to "normal", or as normal as possible when friends aren't friends anymore and they don't trust each other.

Taehyun returned to his corner and continued listening to music. Yeonjun and Huening Kai went to a bench and started discussing about the weird alarm. Beomgyu followed them, filming them instead of Soobin now.

The boy in question had turned away from the others, and unclenched his fist to reveal the dice he had brought from the patch of grass. Even though he tried his best to hide it from the rest, Beomgyu noticed, and redirected his attention on him.

The dice formed glowing patterns in the air around, then glitching away into nothingness.

Soobin looked up, staring at himself in the mirror. So... All that was real? he pondered over everything that had happened.

It would only be real if the practise room was real.

And it seemed real enough.

His hand fell to his side. He drew closer to the mirror, trying to figure out if all this was real or not.

It felt real. It looked real. It seemed real. But... it could be a dream. It could all be a dream. All this might not even exist.

This world might not exist.

And maybe Soobin didn't exist here either.

All he knew was that he was Choi Soobin, and he had a dice in his hand.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Not enough, yet too much.

Dreams became reality.

Reality into dreams.

Friends to enemies.

A promise broken.

☆*: .。. ⁂ .。. :*☆

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