packing in shock

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The next day Melissa woke up and remembered what happened the night before, should she have said yes? She kept thinking about it, but the fact that she would really be committed to him scared the hell out of her. But she didn't know why this scared her, didn't she love him enough? or is she just afraid to commit to someone at all? But then she decided to get up and go pack her stuff, she couldn't stay in bed thinking about that. So she got up and started packing one suitcase for the first night and put the rest of her stuff inboxes. She tried to distract herself but she kept thinking about her and mike. She didn't know why she didn't want to commit to him and felt terrible about the night before. 

Then around five, the doorbell rang, she woke up from her thoughts and walked downstairs to open the door. There Mike was, standing in front of her door. She didn't know what to do and stood there saying nothing staring at him. After a while, he broke the silence, uhm I wanted to say sorry for last night he said. Melissa stepped back and invited him inside. She walked to the kitchen and offered him a drink. He rejected and explained that he got that it was too soon and that he only did it because he loved her so much and never wanted to lose her. 

Melissa didn't know what to say, she took a deep breath and told him that she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to commit to him and didn't know if she'd ever want that. And now that I'm going to college somewhere far away is gonna make things between us so hard she continued. What? he said, u wanna end us? Just because I wanted to commit? No, wait she said. It is not just that, but going to college somewhere else is like starting a new life and we would be so complicated together. I just think it's better if I completely start over. And that also means without you, Im sorry. MIke looked at her shocked, he didn't see that coming. He didn't say anything, grabbed his jacket, and walked out the door. 

When he left Melissa felt a weight falling off her shoulders. She knew it was the right thing to do, she just didn't wanna hurt him. Yet she was glad she got it off her plate and continued packing her stuff. She was really exited for this new chapter

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