the day of departure

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The next morning Melissa woke up, she grabbed her phone and checked her messages. Then she realized it was the day she would go to college, she was very excited and ran downstairs to her parents. They had decorated the whole room with balloons and decorations. When she came down they hugged her tight. Today is the big day her mom said and gave her her favorite breakfast, pancakes. 

After breakfast, Melissa put on her cutest outfit and when she heard the taxi she grabbed her suitcase. Downstairs she hugged her parents goodbye and walked outside, but when she opened the door MIke was standing there. He was holding flowers and went in for a hug. Melissa was really annoyed by his visit, she stepped back and asked what he came to do. He told her he was here to say sorry and that he wanted to try again. Melissa got furious,

"How do you dare to show up here the day I leave, while I told you yesterday that I didn't want us anymore. And what did you do? You said nothing and walked out the door. So there is no f*cking reason for you to show up here with flowers hoping id forgive you cause no I won't !"She pushed him out of her way and took a place in the cap. Mike ran after her but Melissa told the driver to drive away. 

After a drive of 5 hours she arrived at her college. She walked to the reception and asked for her room key. The woman behind the desk was really nice and helped her get her stuff to her room. When Melissa grabbed her last box she walked in to a boy, she dropped the box and went down to the floor to get it. At the same time he went down too to help her, It was like a perfect movie scene. Are you new here? he asked. Yeah, I'm Melissa she answered. Oeh okay well I'm Jake, welkome here. Do you already know where to go for a bit? Not really to be honest She said. Okay well drop of your stuff and then call me, ill show you around he said and gave her his number.

She started blushing and walked to her room. She added his number to her contacts and put her stuff down. It was a mess so Melissa decided to first give her stuff a place before she'd call Jake. 

after an hour she was done, she grabbed her phone and gave Jake a call. Jake asked where her room was so he could pick her up. She told him her room number and fifteen minutes later he ringed her doorbell. She opened the door and he took her with him. 

He first showed her the library, in the library he wanted to show his favorite spot. He took her behind one of the bookcases and showed her where he sat a lot. Then he took her to the classrooms and the cafeteria. Then they took a seat at a table there and ordered a coffee. Jake asked about Melissa her life and where she lived. Then he told her about his own life. After the coffee she walked back to her room to get some rest.

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