next school day

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In the middel of that dream the alarm went off, it was time to get to class. Melissa couldn't believe she dreamed that and tried to forget it as soon as possible. When she walked in to class everyone was there, except for Vex. She was kinda disappointed he wasn't there but took a seat and waited for the class to start. They where half way thru the lesson when Vex walked in, he took a seat at the same spot he sat last time and looked right in to Melissa eyes. She looked away when she started blushing and pretending that she was focussing on the lesson. 

After school a few girls from her class asked her to come with them to the cafeteria. She agreed and went with them. They all ordered a green juice and a cupcake and so did Melissa. The girls asked where she was from and why she came here. She told them a bit about her life and where she lived. Then they asked how she found it to leave her house and move here and if that wasn't hard. Melissa decided to tell them about mike, the girls where shocked. "What a weirdo" they said. She nodded and took a bite. Then they started telling about their exes, all of them had a different story. After a while one of the girls asked Melissa if she would like to go to the club with them, she had to think for a bit but decided to go with them because it was a good opportunity to make friends. 

They all went to their rooms and dressed up, they would meet at nine to go to the club together. Melissa picked a pretty spicy outfit cause she thought it would make a great impression. She picked a dark red mini dress with red glitter heels and a red glitter bag. She curled her hair and was ready to go. 

When she walked on the campus at nine she saw the group of girls standing in a corner and noticed they all did their best to look good. Tilly, the oldest of the group had brown hair and wore a tight blue dress with crossed bands on the front and an open back. She was pretty tall and skinny so it looked really good on her. Jennifer was a kinda small girl and was a bit fat but in a kinda cute way, she had black hair and wore a black dress with long sleeve which a good choice since black is slimming. Presilla, was the youngest and had blonde hair just like melissa, she was wearing a  purple maxi dress with a pretty high split, the dress looked amazing on her. Then lastly there was Felicia she was a ginger with freckles and was really pretty, Melissa was pretty jealous on how she looked. Felicia wore a dark green dress with flowy sleeves. 

When everyone had gathered they decided to leave, they took the bus to the city and walked to "Club Ibiza vibes". When they got in there Melissa was impressed, it looked amazing. Te music they played there was exactly the music she loved. Tilly asked everyone if they wanted a cocktail at her cost, Melissa was not sure because she never had a drink before. Tilly saw her doubting and asked her if she ever had a drink, Melissa answered honestly that she didn't. So Tilly said she would get Melissa a drink with not too much alcohol so she could get used to it.

After a couple of hours Melissa wanted to take a break and walked outside, she only had one drink so was pretty much sober. She took place in a corner and leaned against the wall when she saw someone walking up to her . She straightened her back but couldn't see who it was, only that it was a boy. He greeted her and she recognized his voice, it was Vex who was standing in front of her. You look really good he said, and he stepped closer. He looked into her eyes and hold eye contact for a while, she slowly moved closer and so did he. For Melissa, this seemed like the perfect moment to kiss him.  She came closer to him and looked up, thats when she heard someone yelling out her name. She pulled back and answered that she would come, while looking in to his eyes. "We will see each other again" she said when walking up to her friends

 Later that night they took the bus back and when they arrived she was exhausted, she went to her room and dropped her stuff on the floor. When she wanted to get in bed she saw a note, it was a small letter. "Hey, I will be back in a few days just hold on cant wait to see you xo Jake" She started blushing and loved the note but it didn't totally feel-good because started feeling something for Vex. But she decides to go to sleep and figure it out later.  

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