Mike's visit

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Melissa woke up with some tension in her body, she knew Mike would come to the campus today but she definitely didn't wanna see him. But she had to go outside so she decided that it was better to just face him if he would show up. She packed her books and walked to class, when Vex came in she turned her head away. She knew she shouldn't have walked away but she couldn't tell him anything, but she was ashamed of Mike and did not wanna tell Vex. Vex moved his head to her and looked her in her eyes with a worried look. "Melissa, what is wrong I see something is up, you can tell me". Melissa wanted to tell him so badly but she knew it would make things worse, so she said nothing and turned away again.

That afternoon she walked over the campus when someone grabbed her by her shoulder. She turned around and saw that it was Mike. She immediately stepped back, she tried to walk away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Let me go she said, and tried to pull her arm out of his hand. He didn't let go and held her arm really tightly. Her arm started hurting really bad and he started to threaten her, if she wouldn't come he would hurt her and make her life her a living hell he whispered. She started to fear him, and her eyes started tearing up. In the corner of the school, Jake was sitting with some friends. He saw it happen but first decided to not do anything, then he saw that Mike was really hurting her and walked his way to Melissa and Mike. 

When he got there Mike asked him what he came to do and told him to leave. Jake didn't come too close but told him that he was hurting Melissa and that he had to let her go. He yelled to jake that he didn't care and wasn't letting her go until she would go with him. Mike told her to not make a sound and lead him to her room so they could talk. When she said she did not want to he grabbed her throat, "Are you sure you little bitch, because I am gonna make you feel it if you don't". He let his arm go and went in to punch Melissa when Vex ran in and pushed Mike away from her. He grabbed him by his throat, "You have absolutely no manners, how do you dare threaten and almost punch a girl like that". He punched Mike with all the strength he had, and mike fell on the ground. Vex leaned forward over Mike and said,  "Don't you dare ever come back here because then you are finished". Mike got up and stumbled away.

Vex turned away to look at  Melissa and asked her if she was okay. Yeah, I'm fine thank you she responded, Vex took her wrists and looked at them. There were cuts all over her wrists because mike pushed his nails into her skin. The blood dripped on the ground and Vex told her to go see the college doctor. She took his advice and walked to the school entrance, when she turned around she her Vex talking to Jake, "What is wrong with you? You literally see a girl being threatened and almost hit by a guy and you simply do nothing". Vex pushed him out of his way and walked to the library. 

When Melissa was finished at the doctor she texted Vex, "Hey, where are you? I want to talk" Im at the library he responded. Melissa picked up her stuff and walked to Vex, when Vex saw her he got up, how are you? he asked. "Some better but it was scary I thought he was gonna hit me". she said, Vex looked at her wrists they were wrapped up so the blood would stop dripping. But who was it Vex asked her, "it was my ex" she responded. I broke up with him right before I went to college because I did not love him anymore and wanted to start over. Yesterday he called me and told me he was gonna pick me up today and if I wouldn't come he would do all kinda terrible things. "Damn" Vex responded, then it was a good thing I was close. "yeah it really was, thank you," scarlet said. 

Vex said it wasn't a big deal and took herin his arms, no one should treat a girl like that. He said, come with me we will take a seat at the place we met, and ill read you my favorite book that taught me how to treat a girl. Okay,  scarlet said and they took a seat right there and listended. 

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