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She was already late enough as it is. Her mother screwing around with her makeup was not helping matters.

Harmony busily drums her fingers on the tabletop and taps her foot in annoyance. This wasn't the first time nor would it be the last.

"Mom!" Harmony shouts. "It's my first day and I'm already five minutes late!"

"Just leave without me." Her mom says in a frazzled tone.

Harmony catches the keys from her mom's hands and shuts the door beside her, turning on the engine and rolling out of their two-car garage. "Classic" by MKTO, blasts through her open windows and she rolls into the Beacon Hills High School parking lot, halting beside a sky blue jeep. She notices the duct tape all over the hood and sighs. A fixer-upper car.

She walks into the front office and greets everyone with a small smile. "Uh, hi. I'm Harmony Watkins."

"Ah, Miss Watkins. Great to meet you." The receptionist hands her a map, a schedule and a locker combo. "All your classes are on the first floor, so don't even worry about getting lost. This school isn't close to being a maze."

"Thanks! Have a great day!" She pipes up as she leaves the office. She takes out her schedule and searches the hallway for her class. A clock in the hallway reads '8:10' and she finally finds her room, shimmying between the wall and an officer talking with a buzz-cut haircut boy. She enters the classroom and pauses, her heartbeat rising at the eyes of other students on her. "New student. Kinda need you to sign this for the office."

The male teacher looks her over and tosses her a quarter.
"The students around you are counting on you to make the coin into the cup. If you don't, everyone gets an essay along with the pop quiz tomorrow." He whips the paper out of her hands and the paper slices through her palm like a knife. She hisses at the pain but ignores it, tossing the coin into the cup, easily landing it in. "Another winner! Also you should probably go see the nurse about your hand."

"Oh, um..you didn't get me." She shows him her hand and moves to sit in the only available seat, the back by the window.

Harmony takes out her notebook and rummages around in her bag for a pen. "Of course. I forgot a pen." She huffs, laying her head down on the desk and groaning. "My life is ruined."

"I could be your savior." The guy in front of her offers a pen. "I'm Danny."

"Harmony." She takes the pen from him and rapidly writes down the notes on the board. Work smarter, not harder, her mom would say.
She returns her attention to the front of the classroom to find the words written in Archaic Latin, an old language she'd been taught all her life to decipher.
Something about the way the students all turned to stare at her creeped her out.
Probably due to the fact she was mumbling incoherent languages under her breath like a maniac.

"New kid, what're you saying? I can't hear you." Finstock chuckles at her.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter. I've just now realized I'm on your shit list now." She hunches over and flips him the bird.

"Get. Out." Finstock clenches his fist and gives her a look that says he wants to kill her. "You're going to the principals office."

"Doesn't bother me." She shrugs and takes her paper with her, slamming the door harder than she intends on the way out.


Detention sucks.

Stacking books in the library after hours sucks.

Eventually, Harmony grows fatigued and slouches in an armchair, running her hand through her hair.
She looks at the vast majority of books already stacked and wonders how she moved so fast doing something meaningless.

A shrill noise echoes through the hallway outside the library and she hikes her backpack onto her shoulder, leaving the rest of the books for the morning.
Harmony steps into the hallway and follows the shrieking into the basement, silver stakes stuck in the walls. She wonders inside the small barred room and listens for any sign of a threat. Instead, she finds a teacher sorting through and stacking notebooks.

"Oh! You scared me." The woman stands up. "You shouldn't be down here. This area is for authorised personnel only."

"Sorry. I heard noises and I wanted to explore where it was all coming from." Harmony gives a friendly smile. "You must be Miss Blake, the new English teacher. I have you tomorrow."

"And you're my new transfer student, Harmony Watkins. Must be strange moving schools in the middle of the year."

"It's definitely frustrating. I-"
Growling interrupts her and she spins around to find two snarling, yellow-eyed creatures looking at them like prey. "Holy shit. What are those?"

"Get back!" Miss Blake slams the blockade shut and it locks itself as a battle rages outside. "Stay down."

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