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The growling seems to have ceased from her nightmares.
Every ten minutes she falls asleep and jerks awake, the growling from the night before a constant terror in her mind.

Now she strolls the hall, last night a distant memory. She passes through the door of the male locker room and finds a random locker. The door almost collapses from the hinges from how tightly she grips the lock and all eyes land on her.

"Eyes to yourself, gentlemen." Finstock orders. "Lahey, happy for you to join us. Not happy that you're late."

"Sorry, coach."

Harmony snickers under her breath as she slides on her shorts before following the boys out to the cross country trail.
She lines up in front with the boy Coach called 'Lahey' and shivers at the hand on her bare shoulder, triggering a feeling.

Coach blows his whistle and everyone takes off at a jog, Lahey and Harmony lagging behind before launching forward and racing after the twins in the front.
She feels a new kind of strength and digs in, running herself deep into the trail and racing the twins. They leave her in a cloud of dust and she watches a few paces behind as Lahey is tackled to the wood chips by the two boys. One twists his arm behind his back and the other prepares to snap his wrist.

"Tell me, Ethan, how many bones are in a human body?"

"I don't know. Let's count." The twin named Ethan prepares to snap Lahey's wrist, but another boy from the locker room squarely dislocates his jaw with one punch.

Harmony watches their eyes turn yellow abs red and growls fill her with fear, but a scream echoes from a mile down the trail and all of them take off at a sprint to find a guy restrained against a tree, a garrotte keeping him pinned, likely his reason of death; strangulation. Brain matter also decorates his clothing.

"That is not normal." Harmony covers her mouth as nausea overcomes her.

"Hey! Clear the area! This is a crime scene!" The sheriff blocks off the tree with bright yellow caution tape.

Coach dismissed the dead student and grimaces.

Harmony watches the Lahey boy plod off with two boys from her economics class and trails them close enough to hear what they're saying; some nonsense about human sacrifices and how it doesn't look like something the twins would do.

"Hey. I don't think we've properly met. I'm Harmony."

"You're the girl who pissed off Coach." The Lahey boy realizes. "I'm Isaac. And this is Scott and Stiles."

"Seniors?" She asks.

"Juniors, actually. You?"

"Junior too. I'll see you around then." She turns and jogs for the school, racing the time to the locker room to shower and change before the boys got back.


Science drags on, Mr. Harris's voice droning in and on about Inertia vs momentum.

Harmony watches Isaac's jaw tick and clench as Scott appears to talk to him.
The boy asks to use the restroom and disappears.

She takes out her earphone and hears the banging of lockers in the hallway. Mr. Harris excuses her from the lecture with a pink slip and she leaves the classroom to find Isaac out in the hallway, spectating the new twins, Ethan and Aiden, beating each other to a pulp.
Harmony shimmies along the lockers and narrowly avoids Ethan as he flies behind her into the metal doors, blood falling from his mouth. She barely escapes minutes before everyone discovers the lie they set up. Her question was 'why?'

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