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Harmony lolls her head against the window, allowing herself to relax.
Bus rides have never been her favorite, especially long ones with the vehicle full of boys.

She was the only female to qualify for varsity during training at the start of the season three days ago.

The redhead glances down the aisle and watches Isaac's jaw tick as Boyd stares at Ethan with a look that could kill.
The smell of blood from Scott catches her attention and she looks back at him, curious why her senses were on overload.

"Werewolves are real." She mumbles. "And I'm like them?"

Harmony smacks her face into the seat in front as the bus jolts to a halt. Ethan and Danny look back at her.

"You good?" Danny asks. "Your nose is bleeding."

She reaches up to touch her broken appendage and snaps it back into place. "There, I fixed it."

Harmony feels a hand on her wrist and tries to wrench herself out of their grip.
"Hey, easy tiger. You have claws." Isaac sits beside her and taps her claws with his fingertips. "Just sit tight and relax."


Relax was the understatement of the year with all the shit she just had to sit through.

Jared managed to throw up over four seats, Allison stitched up an emotionally perishing Scott and Isaac beat up Ethan to prove a point and stall for time.

Now they were back on the road as night was falling.

She felt jittery, her nerves going haywire as they all stepped off the vomit-smelling bus.
The aura around the Glen Capri gives her shivers and she has second thoughts about even coming to the meet in the first place.

"Two to a room! No sexual perversions from either of you little deviants." Coach holds out keys to the boys and Harmony takes the last one, the room number giving her a sense of dread.

Harmony's hand shakes as she slides the key in the lock. The door swings open and room appears relatively normal till the temperature drops and she screams.

Lydia finds her and drags her into their motel room to talk.

"You all have those expressions like you know what's actually going on."

"We have our suspicions." Stiles corrects her.

The four of them exit the room and try the knob next door. It doesn't budge. They turn away and a machine whirs from the inside.

"Someone turned on the handsaw." Lydia's eyes widen.

"Handsaw?" Stiles freaks.

Harmony drop kicks the foot and it opens. Inside the room, Ethan is trying to cut his stomach open with the construction machinery. Her and Stiles wrangle it off I'm but the werewolf shoves the human away and whips out his claws. "Wake up!" She pushes him and he falls against the heater, coming out of the trance.

"What happened? How did I get here?" Ethan clutched the shirt Harmony tossed at him.

"I just saved your life, asshole. You were hallucinating and trying to cut yourself in half."

"Why? I don't remember that." Ethan grumbles.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, Wolf-boy." She says to him and his expression changes.

"You know everything now?" He touches her arm.

"Duh. It's not exactly rocket science." She rolls her eyes.  "Now get out of here and go get your man." She smiles at him.

"Thanks, Harmony." He leaves her standing in the room and she takes a moment to breathe in her surroundings, noticing something foul but sweet all over the walls. A purple flower with blue pollen. Her mother had a framed picture of it in the house but she couldn't remember the name to save a life.

Harmony picks up the flower barehanded and feels a tingle that spreads upwards as she moves her hand around to find the best lighting for a picture and sends it to her mom, hoping for an answer on the flower.

Her mom replies with, 'wolfsbane' and it sinks in.
She drops it.
"Oh no."

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