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The redhead strides into Derek's suite with Isaac and Boyd.
They had a plan for taking down the Alpha pack as the leader had it out for Derek. Why she was needed, Harmony would never find out.

"She's a liability. She's human. Why did you bring her?" Derek clenches his fist.

"Because I didn't want to be around my English teacher. There's something off about her." She sighs. "And I'm pretty good with a knife." She twirls her hunting knife around and lodges it in the wall above Derek's head.

"Good aim." Derek grins. "But how's your hand-to-hand combat?" He goes for her and she anticipates his next move, instantly landing him on his ass. "Fine. She can stay."

"Let's set up." Boyd says.


Boyd tosses the live wire into the water and steps back as electricity sparks.

"It's done. Now we wait." Boyd says. "Stand on the pallets."

Harmony crouches beside Isaac on the pallet and leaps to the one in the dark, knife bared out in front of her.

"Isn't that supposed to be blinking if there's an intruder?" Isaac points at the alarm.

Derek growls. "Yeah."

"What does it mean if it's not?"

"Someone cut the auxiliary power." Derek grumbles.

The lights go out and Derek wades into the water.

"Great plan, Boyd!" Harmony rolls her eyes. "What now?"

"We fight." Derek's eyes glow Alpha red.

The penthouse suite door opens and Kali, the female Alpha, steps down into the water.
Her eyes glare down at Derek, flanked by his two betas.

"How about this, either you fight fair or we tear this pretty thing's throat out."

The twins manhandle Harmony's English teacher into the loft, giving him incentive to fight.

The two Alphas fight, both receiving wounds that would take awhile to heal.
Harmony hides herself in the corner as they near her hiding place.

Kali forces Derek into a kneeling position just as Isaac runs across the water to grab Jennifer Blake, Boyd getting left behind.
Three howls from the sudden blast of electricity echo through the building. The twins force Derek's claws out and Kali drops Boyd on them, murdering the innocent boy.

Harmony runs into the water, not bothering to care about the electric shock running through her body and kneels beside the boy. His life was draining fast.
Kali and the twins turn tail, threatening to kill all of them by the next full moon. Derek tried to profusely apologize to Boyd, his claws still thickly attached to his body.

"Dammit, Boyd! Why'd you have to get yourself killed?!"

"I'm....sorry." He takes his last breath.

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