Duel Purpose

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Patton isn't the brightest light bulb out there but he does know right from wrong. However if one suppresses the wrong too much, wrong starts to act out. And what's deemed wrong isn't always necessarily wrong per say, there may just be a better choice. The problem Patton had was that he never even listened to the second option and made it seem as if there was no choice. This started the slow breaking of not only Patton but also Logan.

Logan contrary to Patton, was a very intelligent individual. He knew how to make well logical choices. He could also give reasoning and make improvements. However since no choice has been given Logan's job is severely lacking an important part to Thomas. Logan understands he has more that he can do that had not yet been discovered, but how can you discover something that is not available to you?

Janus or better known as Deceit on the upper level, has long accepted that he needed to accept both of his responsibilities as honesty and deception. So he came up with a compromise when he wears his gloves he lies as he is hiding part of himself and when his gloves come of so does his deception. Yet not many know.

King Creativity had troubles from the beginning trying to keep himself  balanced so he split himself into who we know as Prince Roman and Remus Duke. Now they don't need to worry about the duel edges King Creativity did.

Virgil being the oldest has long mastered balancing his two aspects. So much in fact that he helped everyone else in trying to balance theirs however as we all know Virgil he made sure no one knows it was him that helped, besides Janus and Remus of course.

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