Chapter 1

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As usual, Alice dropped in at her granny's after school. She did it every Thursday to talk to her and have a nice time. The girl liked visiting her relative only on Thursdays, because this day made her weekends closer, and it reminded her of the last effort to get all she wanted. Talking with her grandmother inspired her, as Clarissa always told her granddaughter insightful or funny stories from her own experience.

"Hello, Clarissa" Said Alice joyfully, entering a small cozy flat.

"Good day, darling! Today you are funnier than usual, if it is at all possible."

"I think, the weather hipnotized me in a good sense – I'm so tired of steel-skied days, but today it is rather sunny" The girl explained before going to lunch.

The granny cooked cheese cream soup and home-made dry toasts, and she also cooked a fluffy pumpkin cupcake and brewed fresh tea, because Alice liked these delicacies. Spring gradually became stronger than winter and pumpkin was always an autumn dish, but this family liked breaking rules sometimes, making exceptions for enjoyment (but it happened only for exclusive events).

"Darling, I've recently tidied my wardrobe in the bedroom and found the box that I forgot long time ago," Clarissa started talking while her granddaughter was eating the cupcake. "I think, you could be interested in it. "

"What's in there?" Alice asked with a thrill and some excitement, trying to eat the cupcake faster to see the content of a mysterious box.

"Your Mom's diaries. When she was young, she wrote down everything that was important for her and that she didn't want to forget. The majority if notes were of depressing nature, but there were some pages pleasant for reading. If you want, you can read them or we can study deeply the manuscripts together."

"Oh, my God! It's so interesting. Literally it's possible to contact the past – I couldn't imagine something like this! I'd like to read the notes myself but at your place. You wouldn't mind, would you?" The girl asked knowing the answer perfectly well beforehand.

"Of course, I would not mind. You can start reading the diaries right now. Besides, you can come here every week to continue your activity. What would you say to this proposal?"

"It's just awesome!" Cried Alice in a hurry and ran to the bedroom, where there was a box standing on the bed-side table in the bed feet. The box was so attractive and kept so many remembrances.

The young girl chose a notebook that she liked most, sat down on the bed and put toss pillows in order to spare her time comfortably, when her thoughts would go far away, beyond this room. Alice always had a vivid imagination, that was why she literally saw each event and every person before her eyes while reading a diary. She even seemed for a second that she was at her mother's and was experiencing it herself.

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