Chapter 9

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The walk with Hero had just begun and we were talking actively about our interests that found slowly the cross section points (or not?). Maybe, it was me who wanted our interests to be similar.

We were discussing musical passions: I always named Miley Cyrus at first, and then I remembered other performers who I liked – Taylor Swift; Hero also had favourite ones, and he listened to different styles of music: starting from classics and ending with hip-hop, but not country. Books' preferences coincided only for English classics, though young man would hardly be crazy about teenagers' novels like me. Other aspects of life, like cinema, differed a lot.

Honestly, I would be glad to read fantastic or nonfiction books, but I preferred novels because I could travel from one city to another, I could visit different countries that I would love to visit in real life. While reading novels I lived life of the main hero – the life that I always dreamed of, in spite of serious problems that faced on the way. Besides, such "free" books distracted me from my own thoughts and stress, that was very important.

Hero and I came up to the bridge slowly but steadily. It was an amazing view to the dark mysterious lake that was lighted by the moon and lanterns. Environment of "Dead Poets Society" was provided; though I wasn't fan of the movie but its esthetics inspired me. Maybe I should give the movie the second chance – who knows, no one could estimate the worth of the opus when you were 14.

"We've come to the place I told you about. Of course, it's not a luxury restaurant but it's late and it's beautiful here," Hero said after a short pause.

"It's a wonderful place, especially for autumn evening walk. I like the esthetics of such plan."

"So, do you find esthetics in everything? " my companion was interested, raising his eyebrows.

"At least, I try. I want to see something special, highlight and beautiful in each day, I want to live incredible life and value each moment. It's difficult but it motivates me."

"Do you share your discoveries with anybody?" I didn't expect Hero to turn over to personal topics.

"No, but I write down my experiences and sometimes they are turned into good poems," I said before I had time to think this over and I bit my lower lip trying to invent something different.

"So, you are a young novelist, aren't you?"

"I don't like such a name. It's true, I'm young and I write, but I am not turned into a qualified writer," oh, my God, what I am talking about!

"Could you please compose a small poem about the present moment? Could you disclose its special features and secrets?" my opponent asked me. He didn't want to drop the topic of my creativity.

"I don't think, it's a good idea," I answered roughly, "would you mind of telling about your secret hobbies? Or what is so important for you?"

The young man was thinking over my question, but I realized, he wasn't ready to speak about it: either he considered my question too personal (let's ignore the fact that I started talking not only of my own preferences in banal areas), nor he didn't reflect what he could do beside his acting. I wouldn't insist on his answer, I believe.

Dragging my gaze from the lake I sat down the step of the bridge not to talk in too open manner. Hero didn't think for a long time, he sat down by my side and I felt warmth of his body and a slight smell of canella in chill autumn air.

There was silence between us. It didn't bother me – I should forget about my thoughts and I should start living the moment right here and right now – it wasn't known, when I could experience it again. I managed to steady my breath at once and I began noticing the beauty of the moon, its reflection in the lake, its delicate prints in the open as if it said goodbye, it took out the hand and the touch broke. I saw gold and dark green, almost black, leaves tossing from light wind and I heard them whispering soothingly.

Turning back, my attention was caught by Hero's gaze. He thoroughly studied my face.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked involuntary.

"I wanted to ask you the same question, " young man answered smiling guiltily.

"I tried to remember the moment and everything that surrounded me," obviously, frankness wasn't enough for today. But who cared?

"And I tried to do the same, because it was wonderful."

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