Chapter 4 (Kylie)

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(I want you to know that I scoured the Internet, but couldn't find anywhere that said how the aptitude tests were supposed to be run. So, don't hate.)

(Kylie's POV)

They called me and Lily's names at the same time, and I was glad. This was really fun, but I'd rather be with her as much as I can. Lily followed me toward exit of the cafeteria. We were led to the aptitude test rooms, a row of ten doors separated by mirrors, instead of glass. I flashed a confident smile at Lily, then entered the room.

The woman waiting for me was probably mid thirties, and obviously from Erudite. I smiled again. I hoped I was divergent, but hey, if this magic could change my age, maybe it could change my genetics.

The woman smiled. "Have a seat and get comfortable. My name is Camri."

I reclined in the chair as Camri worked on the machine to my right. After a minute, she handed me a vial of clear liquid. "Drink." I quickly do and immediately black out.


I wasn't aware of the simulation while I was in the simulation. I opened my eyes and found myself in the empty school cafeteria. On the table in front of me were two baskets. One contains a knife, the other a hunk of cheese.

"Choose," said a woman's voice, from behind me. I turned, finding absolutely no one. I was alone. I shrugged and plucked up the knife. Immediately, the baskets disappeared. The door behind me creaked opened and I turned to see who it was.

It turned out that it wasn't a "who," but was in fact a "what." A dog stood a few yards away from me, and he looked mad. I brandished the knife. I guessed Id have to fight. Well, if that was the case, I wouldn't be the one caught off guard. I would make the first move. I jumped at the dog, who pounced when he saw me moving, but it was too late. I stabbed it, and suddenly it was gone, and so was the knife. I frowned and looked around. I was on a bus.

I held onto the pole. The man sitting next to me was holding a crumpled sheet of paper. "Do you know this guy?" he asked, tapping the front page of the paper. The headline read: "Brutal Murderer Finally Apprehended!" I stared at the picture. It was the most common looking man Id ever seen, but I felt like I did know him, though I didn't know how. At the same time, I felt like something bad would happen if I told the man.

"Well?" He sounded angry. "Do you?"

I shook my head. "Never seen him in my life."

He stood, and leaned close to my face. His breath smelled like cigarettes. I wrinkled my nose. "You're lying. You're lying!"


"I can see it in your eyes."

"You're wrong."

"If you know him, you could save me. You could save me!"

I glared at him. "Well, I don't."


I woke up to sweaty palms and a racing heartbeat. I suddenly realized that that was all a simulation. And that I hadn't known that while inside. I tried not to show how dejected that made me.

Camri smiled at me. "Nice job, stiff. You're test indicates Dauntless." Despite my failure at being Divergent, I smiled too. "You can go back to the cafeteria now." I got up and slowly walked back.

I didn't know what to think. I was upset at not getting Divergent, but I was also happy that I got Dauntless, my favorite faction. I could only wonder what Lily got, because she wasn't there when I got back. Beatrice and Susan were called back next, and only Susan came back. I could see Caleb was worried. I wasn't, so much. I had a feeling I knew what this meant, even if I didn't like.

We walked back to the Abnegation section of the city together, without talking. Caleb made a few worried comments about his and my sister, saying he'd been told they'd been sent home, because they got sick.

When we got to the neighborhood, I couldn't remember which house we appeared in. Luckily, Lily was sitting on the steps outside, waiting for me.

"What'd you get?" I asked breathlessly. I had run the last two blocks.

"Divergent!" She squealed, then quickly covered her mouth. "Come inside! Where have you been?"

If Lily noticed that I wasn't as excited as she was, she didn't let on. She told me how she'd gotten Candor and Dauntless, and how her simulation had gone, and how she had sort of known it was a simulation from the start but just went with her gut feeling in each part. Finally, she asked how I did.

"Dauntless," I said with a shrug, like I didn't care.

Lily waited expectantly, then frowned. "That's it."

I nodded. "I didn't realize it was a simulation." I shrugged again.

Lily frowned. "Well, then I'll choose Dauntless with you. I didn't really want to go through truth serum, anyway." I couldn't help but smile. Lily was the more practical twin.

She walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Ugh. Abnegation food. Can't wait for Dauntless cake." She slammed the door closed then clomped upstairs.

"You're not acting very Abnegation!" I shouted after her. Suddenly, I didn't feel so bad anymore. This wasn't real, was it? I laughed, for no reason. It's not like this would affect my life. I might as well make the best of it.

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