Chapter 19 (Ellie)

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(New fanfic for all of you Harry Potter fans! It's called Star of Gryffindor and I'd really love it if you read it. I think it's pretty good (though idk) so could you see what you think?

Considering a fact that I overlooked (namely that there is a period of several years between Bilbo's farewell party and when Frodo and company actually leave) I will be following the movie in some places. I can't very well have Marie, Tyheim, and Ellie hanging around the Shire for 17 years.

Well, I know Girl_In_Fandoms is dying to get to the chapter, so here you go!)

(Ellie's POV)

I think the logical capacities of my mind somehow caught up to my surroundings over the next few days. We settled into life at Bag End fairly well, though the three of us kept hitting our heads on doorways and ceilings. Frodo was a wonderful host.

It was a few days before anything happened. Frodo had gone to the Green Dragon with Sam Gamgee (I almost fainted when I met him...), and Marie and Tyheim were already asleep. I was reading one of the Histories of Middle Earth Bilbo had collected. Yes, that's what I read. I read an encyclopedia when I was eight. And I read The Silmarillian after I finished the trilogy. And I wonder why I'm considered an insufferable know-it-all...

Anyway, I was reading when the front door flew open and a tall figure staggered in. I was too shocked to scream. Instead, I stood up, wielding the heavy book like a weapon, and approached the figure, who was breathing heavily. As I got closer, I realized with relief that it was Gandalf. His robes were tattered and torn and muddied, but it was still Gandalf.

"Why do you have to frighten me like that?" I whispered, laughing a bit.

Gandalf looked up at me, a slightly crazed look in his eye. "Where's Frodo?"

"Down at the Green Dragon...why...?"

"Will he be back soon?" Gandalf ignored my question, turning to slam the door closed.

"Well, I think so, but could you tell me..." Understanding filled me. "'s time to leave, then? They're after the Ring?"

Gandalf stared at me. "How do you know about that?"

"Marie's book, remember?"

"Right, of course." He seated himself in a corner across from the door. "I'll wait here. You go on to bed."

"I'll stay here, actually," I said. Instantly, I regretted it. Gandalf was a powerful wizard. I was a weak 15-year-old girl who couldn't even do a sit-up. What was I thinking, contradicting Gandalf?

Luckily, he didn't seem to care where I stayed as long as it wasn't in his way. We settled down to wait.

It wasn't long before Frodo opened the door. I couldn't see him, but I knew he would glance around the entrance hall, suspecting something wasn't quite right. Gandalf loomed out of the shadows, causing to Frodo to have a mini heart attack.

Frodo smiled in relief when he saw Gandalf's familiar face. Quickly, it was replaced by a look of concern, though, as he saw Gandalf's fearful expression.

"Have you not found it?"

Frodo shook his head slowly. "N-no...I couldn't find it anywhere."

"Bilbo must have taken'll have to go to Rivendell. Take your lodgers with you." I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw Gandalf wink in my direction.

"But...but why? Why is Uncle Bilbo's old ring so important anyway?"

"That ring is the one ring forged by Sauron himself, in the fires of Mt. Doom."

Frodo looked stunned. "Bilbo found it Gollum's cave."

"For sixty years the ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping, prolonging his life, delaying old age..." Gandalf muttered. I couldn't tell if he was addressing Frodo or thinking out loud. "But no longer. Evil is stirring in Mordor. The ring has awoken. It has heard its master's call."

"But he was destroyed...Sauron was destroyed!" Frodo glanced at me wildly for affirmation. I didn't move.

"No, Frodo! The spirit of Sauron endured! His life force is bound to the ring and the ring survived. Sauron has returned. His Orcs have multiplied. His fortress of Barad-dur has been rebuilt in Mordor."

"What do you want me to do! I don't have the ring!"

"We must find it! And destroy it!"

"Where do I go?" Frodo asked desperately.

"Make for the village of Bree. I'll be waiting for you in the Prancing Pony."

Frodo nodded slowly. "All right..."


I ran to wake Marie and Tyheim. Finally! Some action! Sure, I knew we were about to be in terrible danger of dying, but it was going to be totally awesome! Wow, I was starting to sound like Tyheim...

It took an hour to get them both out of bed, then I ended up packing for them because they were acting too sluggish and tired to get anything done. By the time we were ready, Sam had already been enlisted to help, and the five of us set off.

It was a beautiful, freezing cold day. I couldn't feel my fingers after a few minutes of hiking through the woods, but I didn't complain. This was amazing! We trekked on all morning, only stopping for meals. Finally, when it began to get dark and my siblings looked like they might fall asleep walking, we called it a night and set up camp.

Morning came all too soon. I felt like I'd been asleep for five minutes when Frodo was shaking me awake. Tyheim kept grumbling about how hard the ground was as we continued our journey.

Suddenly, a hobbit came crashing through the bushes, knocking Frodo over. Another one quickly slammed into Sam. They jumped to their feet, grinning.

"Frodo! Merry, it's Frodo Baggins!"

"Hello, Frodo!"

Marie's eyes widened and she looked like she was having trouble breathing. Tyheim rolled his eyes and pounded her back until she choked out a breath.

"What's the meaning of this?" Sam was asking indignantly.

"Sam, hold this." Merry passed a large cabbage to Sam.

Sam's eyes widened. "You've been in Farmer Maggot's crop!"

A voice came floating through the bushes, saying, "Who's that in my field? Get out of it!"

Merry glanced over his shoulder. "I don't know why he's so upset. It's only a couple of carrots."

"And some cabbages...and those three bags of potatoes we lifted last week. And then the mushrooms the week before."

"Yes Pippin, my point is, he's clearly overreacting."

"Clearly," I said sarcastically. Merry winked at me.

Any more conversation was cut short by the baying of a dog nearby.

Pippin yelled, "RUN!" and we all took off.

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