Chapter 13 (Lily)

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(Lily's POV)

I felt absolutely no regret stealing Kylie's thunder. After all, she was ruining the plan. Four wasn't supposed to like her, and she shouldn't be trying to make him. We weren't supposed to be the heroes. We were just supposed to fix the story so we could go home. Oh, and not die. That part was important.

But Kylie seemed to be getting sidetracked. It was like she was taking Tris's place in the story, which I did not appreciate. Why should she get to? Ok, maybe I was jealous. But part of it was that we were supposed to get the story back on track. That is exactly what Kylie wasn't doing.

The next day, we avoided each other. It was the day we learned to throw knives, and I decided that if Kylie got to be like Tris on the Ferris Wheel, I would get to be like Tris and have knives thrown at me. Oh my gods, I just realized how insane fan girls sound to the rest of the world...

I did just as well throwing knives as I had shooting a gun: incredibly. I caught Kylie giving me dirty looks out of the corner of my eye. She was having as much success as she had had with the gun as well, except for her, that meant none. I was the first person to hit the target, and she was the last, besides Al.

Eric blew up at him just as he did in the books. He made us all leave the circle, except Al, and I positioned myself so I was closest to them. Eric called Four over, who looked bored, but didn't, if that makes sense. He was tense and on guard, and it was obvious he didn't want to throw those knives at Al.

As Four got ready to throw, I took my chance. With all the anger I could muster, I shouted, "Stop it!"

Eric turned his cold gaze on me. I had to keep talking. I tried to look casual, and shrugged. "Any idiot can stand in front of a target. It doesn't prove anything except that you're bullying us. Which, as I recall, is a sign of cowardice." Behind me, I heard Christina's sharp intake of breath.

Eric didn't skip a beat with his reply. "Then it should be easy for you, if you're willing to take his place."

I put a bored look on my face and sauntered over to the target. Al smiled gratefully at me ask took his place in front of the board. I glanced over at the other initiates once to see Kylie glaring at me. I smiled triumphantly, winked at her, then turned to face Four expectantly. "Whenever you're ready."

Four lifted his hand, pulled his elbow back, and sent the knife sailing through the air. I didn't flinch as it imbedded itself in the target, half a foot away from my cheek. I knew he wouldn't hit me. It wasn't in the book. So I wasn't afraid.

The second knife was closer than the last one, but I never took my eyes off Four's. The third knife nicked my ear, and I felt a little blood trickle down the side of my head, but I wiped it away.

Eric announced that that was enough for today, and everyone trickled out of the room. Everyone, that is, except Kylie and me. As soon as the door swung close behind Drew, Kylie stomped up to me. "What was that?"

"What was what?" I said, feigning ignorance.

Kylie, "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I frown. "It's not like you didn't do anything. Last night, the Ferris Wheel?"'

Kylie looked away. "That was different."

"How so?"

"If...if I hadn't done that...if I hadn't done that, our team wouldn't have won Capture the Flag. That would have changed the book even more."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure that's exactly what you were thinking when you did that. Probably, you were thinking 'here's my chance to be like Tris!'"

"No!" Kylie said, unconvincingly. "But anyway, what you did was just drawing attention! We are supposed to be average, not rebellious!"

"Who knows what would have happened to Al if I hadn't stepped in," I said.

Kylie sighed. "You were just trying to get back at me. Listen, Lily, I'm sorry. From now on, can we agree to stay average?"

I pretended to consider the offer for so long that Kylie almost left, but I pulled her back. "Of course. From now on, normalcy is the key."


Visiting Day finally arrived. Kylie and I knew we weren't expecting anyone, so we snuck out as soon as we could. We hopped on the train, and Kylie jumped off before me. We planned to meet back here at four. Five hours.

I rode out as close to the Abnegation sector as the train went, then walked the rest of the way. The neat and orderly gray houses were a stark contrast to the unruly blackness of the Dauntless compound. I found my way to Tris's house, and knocked on the door. Thank goodness she opened it.

"Oh, hello," Beatrice said, a bit startled. After a second, she recovered and asked me in. I quickly slipped through the door. My black clothes probably looked garish in the sea of gray outside.

"What are you doing here?" Beatrice asked, then quickly covered her mouth. "Sorry. How are you?"

"No, no, it's fine. I'm great. I'm here to tell you might want to sit down, Tris. Beatrice. Whatever."

Beatrice looked worried as she sat down in a chair at the kitchen table. "Is something wrong? Did you get kicked out of Daunt-sorry."

"No, I didn't get kicked out..." How was I supposed to tell her this...? Beatrice stared at me expectantly. " don't belong in Abnegation."

"What?" Beatrice blinked. "Of course I do. Selflessness is the most important virtue a person can have."

I shook my head. "No, you really don't belong in Abnegation. You belong in Dauntless."

Beatrice shook her head, but she looked visibly shaken. I wondered if she'd been in mental torment ever since she got her aptitude test score.

"I know..." I whispered, looking around, even though we were alone. "I know you're Divergent."

Beatrice's eyes grew wide, and the color drained from her face. "You...what...? How...?"

"I'm Divergent too." That calmed her down a little.

"'s too late. I'm in Abnegation."

"It doesn't have to be," I say quietly. "Your soulmate is in Dauntless. If you trust me, you and he could save the world together."

Beatrice's eyes were still wide, but with wonder. "Really...?"

I nodded. "Something bad is happening. You're the only one who can stop it, but you can't do it Abnegation. Trust me. Meet me at the school at midnight tomorrow, and Kylie and I will take you to meet Four."

"His name is Four?"

"'ll see. Just meet there, ok?"

Beatrice thought for a minute. "I'll try."

I smiled. "Good. See you then. Now I need to go so I don't get in trouble. Bye!"

Beatrice followed me to the door and watched as I walked down the path to the sidewalk. I was about to turn onto the street when I remembered something. "Oh, and you might want to consider going by a nickname."


"Yeah, like Tris." I winked and started walking, but I glanced over my shoulder a minute later. She was mouthing the word 'Tris' to herself, and smiling.

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