Chapter 6 (Kylie)

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(In the picture, you see Lily, watching her sister who just jumped.)


What had just happened? Tris wasn't supposed to pick Abnegation! She was supposed to pick Dauntless! Lily grabbed my arm, shooting me a warning look. We needed to figure out what was happening before we did anything.

The rest of the initiates went by, but I didn't pay attention to any of them. I just stared in shock at Tris, or Beatrice, I should say. She would never be Tris now, I guessed.

After the ceremony, the Dauntless ran down the steps, whooping and jumping like a bunch of lunatics. The transfer initiates had a hard time keeping up, but keep up we did. Lily and I had no trouble, which seemed to surprise the people around us. Soccer had paid off.

As we burst out of the building, the crisp air made me shiver, but I didn't slow down. The train came into view. I glanced at Lily, and she gave me a thumbs up. Beatrice will have to wait. All the Dauntless jumped on the train, and we kept up with the transfer initiates just fine. Suddenly Lily grabbed my arm, suppressing a squeal. "It's Christina!"

"Shh!" I hissed. I began to get worried about Dauntless initiation. I wasn't sure I could get through it. Lily say down next to Christina, and I sank down next to her. Christina smiled and introduced herself.

"I'm Kylie, and this is my sister Lily," I said, smiling.

Christina raised an eyebrow. "Talkative for Abnegation, aren't you?"

I glanced at Lily. I hadn't thought of that. Lily quickly jumped in. "Yeah, that's why we transferred. We've always been bad at being Abnegation."

Christina nodded. "Ok, cool. Do you know where we're going?" She had to shout over the wind.

"Dauntless headquarters, probably," I said.

She shook her head, grinning. "Does anyone? It's like they just popped out of a hole or something."

The wind rushed through the car, and we gave up on talking. Soon enough, we jumped out. I stood up and walked to the door, then jumped first. I hit the ground hard, and my elbow prickled with pain. I turned to see Lily hesitating with Christina. They grabbed each other's hands, then leaped. They both came up laughing.

Suddenly, their laughter was cut off by a loud wail. A Dauntless girl stood at the edge of the roof, looking over. A Dauntless boy was holding back. A stepped up to the edge and looked down to see the mangled body of a Dauntless girl, smashed on the pavement far below. My stomach turned to lead.

I quickly turned away and walked over to Lily and Christina. My elbow stung, so I pulled up my sleeve to examine it. It just looked like I skinned it. Nothing major.

"Ooh. Scandalous! A Stiff's flashing some skin!" I looked up to see Peter pointing at me, smirking. I heard laughter, and my cheeks flushed. Lily looked like she was about to go beat Peter up.

"Listen up!" shouted a man from the other end of the roof. "My name is Max! I am one of the leaders of your new faction!" He paused, taking us all in. "Several stories below us is the members' entrance to our compound. If you can't muster the will to jump off, you don't belong here. Our initiates have the privilege of going first."

"You want us to jump off a ledge?" a shocked Erudite girl asked.

"Yes," Max said. He looked amused.

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" another transfer asked.

"Who knows?" Max shrugged.

The crowd in front of the initiates split in half, making a wide path for us. No one looked eager to jump off the building. I squared my shoulders and stepped forward, towards the ledge. I heard snickers behind me, but I ignored them.

When I reached the edge, I turned around and smiled smugly at Peter. I slipped my over shirt off and threw it at him, which was met with laughter from some of the Dauntless. Then I turned around again. I wasn't afraid. I knew what was at the bottom. But they didn't need to know that. I leaped.

The ground surged towards me, an my hearts pounded so fast I thought it would burst out of my chest. The hole surrounded me and I was covered in darkness.

I hit something hard, but it quickly gave way beneath me and cradled me. The impact knocked the breath out of me, and I sat there wheezing for a minute. My arms and legs stung.

I looked to see a tiny Lily looking over the edge. I started laughing. I just jumped off a roof.

A few hands reached out to help me, so I grabbed the first one I could reach and pulled myself across. I rolled off the net and was caught by the person who helped me off.

"Thanks," I said casually, like its no big deal, like I jump off roofs every day. I looked up into the face of a person who can only be Four and almost died from a Fangirl attack. I managed to control myself, though.

"Can't believe it," a voice said behind him. "A Stiff? The first to jump? Unheard of."

"There's areas in why she left them, Lauren. What's your name?" Four asked me.

"Kylie," I said without hesitation. I hate nicknames.

Lauren grinned. "Kylie. Make the announcement, Four."

Four looked over his shoulder and shouted, "First jumper - Kylie!"

A crowd materialized from the darkness, cheering and whooping and pumping their fists. Just then, another person dropped into the net, her screams following her down. Christina. She was quickly followed by Lily. Everyone laughed, then cheered again.

Four smiled at us. "Welcome to Dauntless."

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