Chapter 12 (Kylie)

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(Before I start the chapter, I'd just like to let you guys know about my latest book. Capitol TV is basically a large-scale Q&A, with some fun short stories and one shots in there for fun. I also would like you to at least have it in your library because every "Presidential Announcement" is an announcement from me, giving information about 1) why I won't be able to update, 2) a new fanfic, or 3) a call for inspiration. Those are things all my followers need to know.

Also, I will now be holding a weekly writing contest for anyone interested! For more details, check out the writing contest book on my profile!)


When I woke up, it was morning. I was out for 16 hours. Lily was pulling some sheets off her bed. They had red smeared on them, and I catch the letters S and T.

"What happened?" I croaked.

She jumped and turned around, then smiled, relieved. "You almost died, that's what happened."

It hurt to shake my head, but I did it. "I mean to your bed."

Lilly's smile faded as she glanced at the bed. "Peter's idea of a joke. He spray-painted 'Stiff' on my sheets." She shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh well. I can kill him later."

It took Christina and Lily to help me to my feet. Luckily, I got paired with Myra. It didn't take much to beat her, even in my sore, half-dead condition.

The day slipped away, and soon we were all tucked back in our beds. I was no where near as sore in the morning, though Lily was having problems. She had to fight Peter yesterday. Though she did incredibly well, he ended up beating her up. It was like watching the bloodbath in the Hunger Games movie.

We had to jump on the train that day. I remembered this. We were going to the fence. I jumped into the car with relative ease, but Al ended up lifting Lily in.

Peter flashed Lily a look of sympathy as she struggled to her feet. "Feeling a little... Stiff?" Drew, Molly, and Peter burst into laughter at that.

"We are all awed by your incredible wit," Lily said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, are you sure you don't belong with the Erudite, Peter?" Christina added. "I hear they don't object to sissies."

Four spoke before Peter could retort. "Am I going to have to listen to your bickering all the way to the fence?" That shut everyone up.

The trip to the fence was uneventful, and the next two days were spent in a wild frenzy of fighting the other initiates. Lily and I rarely got a chance to talk. Trying not to get cut was the only thing I could focus on. Even if we wanted suspiciously good rankings, I don't think Lily and I could have gotten them.

I was about to fall asleep when the dormitory was flooded by people carrying flashlights. I immediately sat up, hitting my head on the bunk above me.

Eric's voice boomed through the dormitory. "Everyone up!" Immediately, everyone stumbled to their feet, or fell over trying to. "You have five minutes to get dressed and meet us by the tracks. We're going on another field trip."

I threw a black jacket on and shoved my shoes on my feet before sprinting behind Christina and Lily. We made it to the tracks just behind the Dauntless-born initiates. Next to the tracks was a black pile. I made out a cluster of guns.

"Are we going to shoot something?" Christina whispered. I glanced at Lily, excited. Her eyes were practically dancing with anticipation. Paintball.

"Everyone grab a gun!" Eric shouted. A mad dash for guns ensued, and I breathlessly pulled myself out bearing a gun and a box of paintballs. The box went in my pocket, and the gun got slung over my shoulder.

Four was the first to jump into the train car, and I ran after him. Four turned around as I feel into stride next to the moving car and held out a hand. I grabbed his arm, and he pulled me in. My face flushed as a tingle filled me where I touched him. Sure, Fourtris was my OTP, but that didn't mean I didn't know hot when I saw it. And Four was hot. I quickly sat down on the other side of the car.

Four explained the rules of the capture-the-flag/paintball game. Just like in the books, Eric chose the stronger, broader initiates. And Four chose the smaller, faster ones. Including both Lily and myself.

In no time, we were off the train and running into the night, to Navy Pier. Lily ran ahead, laughing with two Dauntless initiates I recognize as Uriah and Marlene. I stuck next to Christina.

When we reached the pier, Four handed over our flag, and we started to discuss what we should do with it. Ok, "discuss" is being liberal. More like: "Arguing so loudly that anyone in the whole city could have heard us." Lily got really into it, letting her stubborn streak wave like a flag in Oklahoma.

I slowly turned and looked up at the Ferris Wheel. Maybe I could pull a Tris. I walked over to the base of the Ferris Wheel with quiet, light footsteps, then stared up at it from the ground. I could barely see the cars swinging at the top.

I instinctively reached out and felt the cold rungs of a ladder under my hand. I grabbed a rung, and slowly put my weight on the lowest one to test it.

"Kylie," a low voice said behind me. I glanced over my shoulder casually. Four stood behind me, arms crossed, eyebrows raised.

"Yes?" My voice sounded confident. Good.

"I came to find out what you think you're doing."

"I'm seeking higher ground. I don't think I'm doing anything." Who knew knowing Divergent word-for-word might be helpful?

I saw him smile. "All right. I'm coming."

"I'll be fine," I said slowly.

"Undoubtedly," he replied.

I climbed up a few rungs, and when I was several feet off the ground, he came after me. We climbed in silence. I tried my best not to look down. I might be the tiniest bit afraid of heights, and I think if I had seen Four behind me, I would have had a fangirl attack and sent us both hurtling to our deaths.

As I climbed higher, the wind got stronger. I pressed closer to the support so I wouldn't fall. The height was dizzying. I could barely see my team under the awning of the carousel.

I heard him breathing behind me, quick, shallow breathes. "Are you all right, Four?"

"Are you human, Kylie? Being up this high..." He gasped. "It doesn't scare you at all?" Did...did Four really say one of the most famous Divergent lines ever? To me?

Finally, we reached a platform. I crawled out onto it and scooted to the end, to give Four room. Without thinking, I put my legs over the side. I'm not afraid of heights, I guess.

I spotted a tiny pulsing light on the ground. I smiled and pointed. "There." A smile spread across his face.

I followed Four down. I jumped off as soon as I could, then ran back to the carousel. Lily shot me a look, and I couldn't read it. Hurt, or disappointment, or jealousy? Well, if she was jealous, she could just deal with it.

I told the team about my discovery. Soon, everyone except a few guards heads off to follow my plan of action. Half of the team would charge as the smaller group snuck behind the other team to get the flag.

Lily and I both ended up in the smaller group. As we ran, I realized that only one of us would touch the flag. And that person had better be me, or my plan would have been for nothing. Unfortunately, Lily seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.

Uriah shot the only remaining guard, who threw her gun down like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Lily and I raced head to head to grab the flag. Lily jumped. I jumped. And when we came down, Lily held the flag in her hand.

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