Chapter 1

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7:30pm Daegu, South Korea





It was a quiet street and no one was out yet. Daegu has always been quiet until recently on the news that two vampires had returned home. The world was never afraid of them they mostly respected them and let them do what they wanted.

Male:Let me go please. I have friends to get to please let me live.

Vampire:I'm afraid I can't do that. Your my lunch today.

Male:Please Jiu.

Jiu(scoffs):That won't save you. (Bites deeply in his neck and rip his head apart) Should I keep his head or feed it to the dogs.

Siyeon(jumps down):I'll carried him to the dogs.

Jiu:We until 8:30pm. The party starts at 9.

Siyeon:I know. Make sure you meet me at the house.

Jiu:After im done hunting.

Siyeon:Right (disappears)

That's right. Jiu and Siyeon are back in Daegu and are going to a party. Jiu aka Kim Minji is the oldest and coldest out of those to. Jiu has killed over 300 people but they was brought back due to her not sinking her teeth deeply in there necks. Siyeon aka Lee Siyeon is the youngest but cold as well. She takes the body's and feed them to the wolves since they connect with her well. Siyeon has killed 250 people total due to not controlling her thirst for blood. Jiu trained Siyeon and she became much better at protecting herself. The duo together has been unstoppable and unbreakable.

9pm Mask Party Mansion





Siyeon:Ouuu alot of fine chicks. Mostly dinner.

Jiu:Thats not what we came here to do. Remember act normal and let's find our friends.

Siyeon:We don't have any.

Jiu:Dami and Seulgi?

Siyeon:Right. (Looks around) Follow me.

There was a lot of people at this party. There was pool, loud music, hot girls, boys, couples, and some games. There was alcohol and a so many people. Jiu and Siyeon was able to find there friends Dami and Seulgi.

Dami:Who are you two?



Seulgi:Hey long time no see. I'm surprised your using your nick name and not your real name.

Jiu:I'll only use that when people ask me what's my name and they don't know me. I only go by Jiu when im feeling hungry for blood.

Dami:Right. Anyway welcome to the party.

Siyeon:There are a lot of women.

Dami:Single women too. Just stay back of Handong and Gahyeon.

Seulgi:And Irene.

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