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I was the one who planned it all (the assignation of the couple) well not ME but the agency. His parents were horrible vile people. They stole from the government and killed. We were hoping to just kill them off but we found out the two daughters of the lovers were there and we couldn't have any witnesses so they had to go.


Miller entered the home of the Partridge family quietly with a gun in hand at the ready with the 10 tacticals just in case, the tacticals split up in the house in pairs. William and his pair walked into the kitchen and went through the open door wall to a small living room carefully hearing voices, they split on either side of the entrance and peeked through.

He saw the couple sitting on their couch with their backs to him, he put his finger up to his mouth while glancing at his partner, he stepped forward slowly and aimed at mrs. Partridge's head, he put his finger down and pulled the trigger instantly killing her with a loud bang on the gun, Mr. Partridge whipped around and his eyes dilated in fear, he sighed.

"Let me text my son and daughters before"

William squinted at the man and nodded

"Go ahead, Im watching" he snarled and stepped forward

"Kevin! Come here he called for his paired tactical, he stepped out from the wall and strode up, next to Miller. William leaned over on the couch as Mr. Partridge got out his phone and went into contact.

~Favourite son~


Yeah Dad?

I Love you son

I love you too dad 🤣

Make sure you

Take care of Issie and Millie

Always, dad are you ok? Ill see you soon

I love you and so does mum

I love you guys too


Mum and I love you so much, Is


I wish I could see you grow up,

me and mum love you so much.

Happy month early birthday sweetie

"There, go ahead" he put his phone away

"You put this on yourself" Will shrugged and shot him in the chest twice.

"Mum! Dad!" William heard two girl voices yell with footsteps rushing down the stairs of the second floor

"Kill them" he demanded to the tacticals who rushed in the room and fled out of the house. He got in the car

"AHHHHHHH, PLEASE I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Millie screamed from inside the house



Louis got home with groceries in his hands and walked to the kitchen

"I'm Home!" he yelled and started putting the food in the fridge, he got no response and started getting curious.

"Guys! Mum, dad! Issie, Millie!" he screamed through the house. He went to the kitchen island and grabbed a cookie his mum and sisters were making before he left and bit into it.

"Mm, so good" he mumbled

He walked away upstairs after putting all the food away and looked into the rooms, knocking before going in, after seeing no one was upstairs he ran downstairs and looked around finally getting to his living room.

"MUM, DAD!" he rushed to them on the couch, his father's hand holding onto his wife's for the last time.

"Issie! Millie!" he cried out, going to the backyard to see if they were there, not noticing their bodies. He ran to the front door and finally saw the smeared blood coming off the path of his property. Water poured from his eyes and he screamed out in agony. He dropped to the floor and punched the concrete, blood splattering and his knuckles hardening in fists with his nails dug into his palm, cutting with drops of blood and leaving scars.

"AHHHHH, WHYY! SCREW YOU GOD. YOU DID THIS...WHY!?" he screamed the loudest hes ever before, horrified at the sight of his beloved family dead in his living room, he cursed to himself, sitting there screaming and crying for what felt like eternity as time held still. He knew he had to get revenge on everyone who had to do with their murder, he was gonna find them, and he was gonna kill them.

He went inside and got knocked out by the person that didn't actually leave, the person who left him all alone with no family. Agent William Franklyn-Miller. He was 20 at the time making him four years older than Louis.


When Dagger asked me how I knew where Partridge was, it was because he was already there at the time. I never knew where they ('they' being the criminals) were going to go before they went, I just knew when they were already there, and I was always there the day after they arrived, watching their every move until I knew they're not a threat to anyone anymore. I follow then eliminate, it's that simple and no I dont mean killing them when I say 'eliminate' I tend to enjoy and find more satisfaction in putting them in jail. What's enjoyable about killing people just because they've done wrong? no I find it cruel to take someone's life and when I do (which is on a VERY RARE occasion) it's for the best outcome of the situation. I tend to find it more satisfying to watch them in misery while being put in a cell where they belong. it's the right thing to do and I'll do anything to make sure they are caught, I'm not a quitter.


Its been a week, a dreadful week at that , I've had to rewear what I've worn since last friday after finding out that the suitcase was full of short shorts, crop tops, dresses, bras, and panties, not only that but some sanitary products which I'm not bothered by, it's a natural thing but the idiot of a woman whom those things belong to gave me her suitcase, I mean there is two decent oversized shirts that would fit me well but it wouldn't really sit right with me wearing my now enemies clothes, but I've kept them all, I'm not that low that I would rip up and burn her clothes. But shes probably out there somewhere wearing my clothes (which I'm only some-what bothered by) I've looked all around London for any trace of her but maybe Brown was right, if she's gone out into a hiding there's no way of finding her until she wants to be found, if she wants to be found that is.

A whole week of me foolishly looking around for the twat looking like the biggest fool on the planet (which I'm not. In any way shape or form) wearing the same clothes day after day, it getting more dirty and stinky by the hours passing by (I'm not saying I stink, I'm usually very hygienic)

It shocked me as to how much of an idiot she could be. Our suitcases are totally different and her small brain gives me hers. What a sod.

But whats shocked me to my core more than that, is that I can't even find any sort of hint or trace of where she's gone to, I've always been able to find people, that's one of my specialties. How else do you think I found the people that killed my family and killed them? But what makes her different from the rest? Why cant I find her anywhere? If she doesn't want to be found I'm going to have to try a different way, Im going to have to lure her towards me, bring her to me. I'm going to have to make her come to me instead of me finding her, she will be found, and I will be the one to find her, in my own way.

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