Chapter 4: waking up in a room

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Avery POV
I woke up in a hospital room, looking around, everything is white.. white walls, white sheets... not a inch of color. I groan, looking to my side and the door slides open to my cousin Deliah and my uncle Nick.

"Sup guys" I say as Deliah ran in, hugging me tightly. I groan "ouch...." Nick walk up with a doctor behind him "Hello Averina Ed-" "it's Avery... I don't go by Averina anymore" I roll my eyes, the doctor chuckles "okay Avery, so I am sorry to say this but I told your uncle everything I have my knowledge on... I'm sorry for your lost as well but we think you should be on meds and a therapist will be coming to your house"

I chuckle "hell no, I'm 21 years old. I don't need a therapist and no one is coming to my house" "well, I'm sorry to say this but your house ended up burning down from a coffee maker so.... You'll have to stay at my place Avery... and you need to be watch, I have someone their that can take care of you and the therapist is allowed in MY house" Nick told me, crossing his arms.

I look at the doctor and the chief came in, showing me a ankle-monitor on my ankle "you can't do this!?" I cried out, Deliah hug my tightly and I look over to Nick, glaring at him as I hug Deliah 'I don't like him...' "it's for your own good Avery" he tells me and I sit their, tears running down my cheek.

- Time skips from Chica with pizza -

I sat in the car in the passenger car, looking outside as we pass my burn house 'thanks uncle' I mentally stated. Finally getting to my 'new home' I shut the car door and walk towards the house, Nick gets in front of me "wait... before you get in... we- Uh... we-" the door opens to a messed up looking SpringBonnie.
"Your finally home!!!" "Yes Springtrap.. we are home" Nick groan, pushing him in and I follow, a bit dazed out as Deliah ran up to me

Hugging Avery, Deliah showed Springtrap

Hugging Avery, Deliah showed Springtrap

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"This is Avery, Springtrap. Avery, this is my best Bud Springtrap" "um... was your name ever Springbonnie?" Avery ask Springtrap, secretly yes but that was his past, he smiled "no, I'm Springtrap, friend"

I shrug "okay, that's cool... you seem familiar but meh... " Springtrap brings me into a loving hug, I smile. Sighing out of relief and Nick walks in "enough!! She's hurt. Get off of her" Nick push Springtrap off of me, then stands in front of me with Deliah beside Springtrap, Nick puts his hands on his hips "she just came from the hospital, she doesn't need hugs!"
"Woaw... thanks for caring uncle"

"She doesn't need to be alone, she needs a actual family" Deliah says
"Not right now Deliah, adults are talking" Nick tells her.

I look up at Springtrap then back at Nick "again... thanks for caring uncle"
"Never mind... Avery, your room is across from Deliah, my room is upstairs" he starts to walk then pause in front of Deliah "I got work, see you later D, I love you and make sure she doesn't get out nor Springtrap"

He leaves, I place my hand on my hip and grab my nose lightly, growling gently. "Deliah, is he always like this?" I ask her and she smiles "yep, but it's okay. Wanna see your room?" "I'm actually hungry..." I said lightly.
"I can make cookies!" Springtrap says happily with his rough voice, I look up at this 8ft figure and smile "I'm not so sure" I tell him, Deliah hugs me "aww come on!! Springtrap makes the greatest cookies ever!" "Aww thanks Deliah!!" He walks off into the kitchen, I look over to Deliah "how old are you now?" "14..." I smile, tussling her hair "okay! Let's have some cookies"

Some chapters will be short but yeah, I just have to make them short because I don't wanna hop right into the romance.

👉🏻 but anyway, if their is any games you want me to parody. Let me know, thanks love ya.

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